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Steve Koning will be remembered for his efforts to keep hospital vital

Steve Koning

I read with great interest Rick Conroy’s Comment in this week’s Wellington Times titled” Steve’s Way”.
Like Rick, I also had interesting conversations with Steve Koning, who sadly passed away Sunday, March 10.
In conversations relating to healthcare, I also admired his tenacity. I, along with many other Prince Edward County residents, was present at the Alhambra Centre  in June 2008 for the QHC AGM. Rick was correct when he stated that “Steve stood there patiently-quietly and steadfastly waiting for an answer that never came” when he asked QHC if they had put aside enough money to fund its pension obligations.
You could always count on Steve to ask both the “hard” questions and those questions that many of us never thought to ask.
Rick also made mention of the fact that even though the County only represented a small portion (21%) of the QHC catchment area they held 74% of the  corporate membership. This 74% was a “grassroots”organization started because many of us were very passionate about protecting our local hospital and its services.
I wonder what Steve would think of the Drummond Report and its many recommendations on Healthcare? Economist Don Drummond has recommended that the McGuinty government cap Healthcare funding 2.5% thru 2017-18. If implemented, 4 billion will be taken out of healthcare spending increases in the next three years – most often targeting hospitals.
Steve will be remembered and admired for many reasons but personally I thank him for his efforts in helping to keep our local hospital and its services vital.
Hopefully Steve was able to spend his last few days at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital without too much discomfort. His family has asked that in memoriam donations be made to Hospice Prince Edward. I think that Steve would be pleased.

-Fran Renoy


Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

About the Author: Fran Renoy has lived in the County for forty years so considers herself almost a native. Both she and her husband Bill consider themselves very fortunate to live in beautiful Prince Edward County. She worked at PECM hospital for thirty years as a x-ray technologist,retiring in 1998.She has a very strong passion for her local hospital and encourages others to speak up and not be afraid to do so if they feel that services are being eroded.

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