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Study recommends crosswalk locations

Signalled crosswalks in Wellington and Bloomfield and a pedestrian crossover at Union Street in Picton are expected to be within an estimated 2020 budget of $350,000.

An accident at the Wellington crosswalk in 2017 that resulted in the death of a pedestrian, and high traffic volumes from growth and tourism fueled council in 2018 to request the analysis at the crossings, at an estimated cost of $15,000.

The report by Jewell Engineering was completed last month. Currently Wellington Main has a signalized intersection at Wharf Street. Bloomfield has a school crossing beacon at Main and Corey and Union Street in Picton has no identified crossing location.

Jewell Engineering evaluated two pedestrian crossing locations along Wellington Main – at the post office and in front of CML Snider school, but only the school location satisfied the four pedestrian crossover conditions. The post office did not meet MTO criteria of being greater than 200m from a traffic signal.

In Bloomfield, Jewell examined locations in front of the town hall, and the post office and as both meet necessary criteria, a crosswalk could be placed at either location based on the desire of the community.

In Picton, the criteria used at Union and Church streets called for a pedestrian crossover with an all-way stop installed for vehicles. An alternative two-way crossing is also offered for the Picton location, at an estimated installation fee of $84,425.

Installation fees for Wellington and Bloomfield are expected to be $130,075 each, plus design, management and taxes. The all-way stop at Picton cost is estimated at $10,000 plus design, management and taxes. The combination project cost of $350,000 is expected to be within the estimated 2020 budget of $350,000.

Council is to receive the report at its Committee of the Whole meeting Thursday at 1 p.m.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Susan says:

    I totally agree with all the comments made. We have a traffic/speeding issue all over the county. More stop signs strategically placed (maybe Johnson and Main?) will help slow traffic and allow pedestrians to cross safely. Crosswalks as well are a great idea. I am part of a group of residents on Jane Street that are trying to get our Jane Street speedway strip to have some sort of traffic control – eg: lower the speed limit, speed humps etc. Council has been very supportive in trying to solve this issue, but they are also limited by that incredibly small budget considering the cost of all these measures. I truly hope that some of the great ideas put forth above get done! We desperately need them.

  2. Fred says:

    No it is not. Speed is higher in that area as everyone rushes in or out of Town. Our fast paced world. No one should ever step out on that crossover until they are certain all traffic is stopped.

  3. Chris says:

    The crosswalk (or ‘cross over’) at Metro is weird – I know it’s there but I never seem to notice/see it until I’m halfway through it. Is the design different from others?

  4. Fred says:

    Crosswalks are controlled by traffic lights, so there shouldn’t be traffic impeding the pedestrian. Crossovers are controlled by the pedestrian user and they need to push the signal and extend their arm and point, but never proceed until traffic has stopped in both directions. They cannot just assume traffic is going to stop as some vehicles are just entering the crossover.

  5. Dennis Fox says:

    Hello Robert – good to hear from you. I don’t believe I have heard the term “crossover” before. I have used (and others too) the term “crosswalk” when referring to the pedestrian controlled lights (such as the one I was using on front of Metro) and the term “crossing with at the lights” or a variation of this when referring to crossing at the traffic lights – like the one in front of the LCBO. Either way,it is all semantics – the point is crossing at either one can be dangerous when the drivers are not paying attention – which was what I was trying to highlight.

    My other concern is with the lack of attention traffic safety has been given throughout the County, over many years. Again, this past summer, two digital speed signs were placed in Northport – again only for just a couple of weeks. Seriously each one malfunctioned for at least a week – then both were taken away and not replaced. I don’t l know what was accomplished here?? As you know this is not the first time the speeding issue on NOrthport has been brought to the attention of both the police and Council.

    I know that the police are busy, because I have been told that on far too many occasions, and traffic concerns ( so I have been told) are not at the top of their “to do list.” The idea of the police having a timely “campaign” to address daily traffic concerns doesn’t solve the problem. We have the proof to support this. So unless the public are provided with ways to slow traffic down and to encourage better driving habits – just what are members of the public supposed to do to cross the road safely? Whether we call them crosswalks or crossovers – what’s the diff when drivers aren’t paying attention to either one?

  6. Robert Quaiff says:

    Dennis , there are two crosswalks in Picton, the one located at the LCBO and the other at Tim Hortons , these are signalized with the feature showing a pedestrian when they may cross. The others located at Metro, Regent Theatre and Angry Birds are known as Crossovers, a pedestrian wishing to cross here indicate their intent by pushing the button located there that starts the lights flashing , the person crossing should cross when safe to do so and extend their arm with finger pointing in the direction they are going ,drivers don’t always stop I agree, a campaign to monitor them by police has taken place many times.

  7. Michelle says:

    So do you agree we need a crosswalk to get to our Municipal building?

  8. Dennis Fox says:

    Crosswalks and other traffic measures are needed throughout The County – it has been a neglected area for far too long. However, crosswalks are great, provided that the drivers respect them. From my experience in town, many don’t and they are asleep at the wheel. The crosswalk in front of the Metro is particularly dangerous – too many drivers just don’t seem to be paying attention. I yelled at one driver there about two weeks ago – she cut right in front of me, when I was half way through the crosswalk – she had no idea where she was and gave me the dirty look!!?? Where are the police when you need them?

    This past summer, I witnessed an OPP officer pull over a driver in Northport going 105 kph in a 50 zone! For that to happen the driver had to have ignored at least two posted speed signs and then to be so oblivious, she have no idea that she was in a village – DUH! Crosswalks will be no different if drivers are dozing out at the wheel. Crosswalks help, but don’t solve the problem of a poor driver. Bottom line , you need be the one in charge of your safety – you can’t depend on any device to do it for you. At least, that has been my experience.

    But the more help we can get, the better.

  9. Michelle says:

    And Shire Hall, our Municipal building remains unaccessible to pedestrians.

  10. Chris Keen says:

    The cost is unbelievable!

  11. Argyle says:

    Why was not locating a crosswalk at the corner of Paul St and Main St East by Shire Hall not considered? The closest crosswalk is at the fairgrounds. It is just a matter of time before someone gets hit there or crossing the top of the town hill.

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