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Sun has set on Planet of Apes franchise


Paul Peterson

Paul Peterson

At the start of this summers movie season if you had told me that every single blockbuster was going to be a mega bust I would have told you you were crazy and maybe even suggested your parents were total strangers when you were conceived.
At least you weren’t crazy.
It’s been a hugely disappointing summer.
Transformers 4 needs the Chinese domestic box office to hit their budget and everything else is doomed because not even the Chinese care.
It’s shocking.
Some good movies are getting steam rolled by viewer apathy. Ok maybe it’s fatigue.
Meanwhile, Hollywood fiddles while theatre owners burn through the lack of good family films.
Hey, I’m bitter.
But I digress.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a good little film that no one wants to watch.
It’s thoughtful, credible and extremely well filmed and acted. It’s just that no one cares. I’m not sure why.
I think it’s just too many too often.

I for one miss James Franco. I’m not sure I like what that says about me but there it is. Gary Oldman stars along with the mildly irritating Kerri Russell. Oldman is at his creepy brooding best. Russell is, well, just her usual perky murky self. Does nothing for me. The apes are the best actors on screen.
There’s an interesting mix going on.
We know they are going to become our Masters in the next instalment although who knows who will be left standing to watch that one.
My point is we can empathize with the apes. We see their mutation happening and their evolution more to the point. It always reminds me of Orwell’s Animal Farm and how the led become the leaders. And make it worse.
Rising from the lower echelon makes for bad feelings. So it’s odd.

There is that collision. And there really aren’t any heroes here. I think maybe we need Roddy MacDowal for comic relief. Anyone younger than 50 won’t get that reference. It’s another dystopia and you have to ask yourself what does this bring to the table that the other 500 didn’t? Oh ya, talking apes.

I like when they drink and party and behave like a bunch of yaboes on a Friday night. Reminds me of my buddy Ferg, who once chugged a bottle of wine with a cigarette butt in it for a buck. We didn’t have loonies back then.
But I digress.

I can’t recommend this film only because I don’t care. There’s nothing to sustain it. It feels like we can make some money so let’s do this. Well, who cares.
I think it’s really unfair of critics to ravage two years of someone’s work for a couple of cheap lines in a review but hey, someone’s got to do it.
For my part, I think the sun has set on this franchise and Dawn of the Planet etc etc does nothing to stop that descent.
Sorry Caesar.
No banana.
As always, other opinions are welcome, but wrong.
That’s it for this week. The cheque’s in the mail and I’m outta here. Paul.

Filed Under: News from Everywhere ElsePaul Peterson

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