All Entries Tagged With: "arts council"

Ryan Malcolm delights County fans
He’s come a long way since his reign as the first Canadian Idol, but there’s always “Something More” in the wings for Ryan Malcolm – and his fans. Malcolm delighted a few hundred County fans Sunday afternoon, singing favourites, signing autographs and posing for photographs. “We have a great fan base around the Quinte area,” […]

Clic! – Photographic works of art in Arts Council’s newest show
Clic! Eastern Ontario Photography Show is the newest “baby” arts event to be presented by the Prince Edward County Arts Council. For nine days this summer, July 31st to August 8th, CLIC, a juried show and sale of photographic works of art, will take place in the second floor gallery of Books & Company at […]

Arts Council and Picton Kiwanis honour two aspiring artists
At the opening reception of Art in the County Thursday, the Prince Edward County Arts Council and Picton Kiwanis Club honoured two young women who will be pursuing secondary education in the arts in September. Brianna Gorsline, a resident of Cherry Valley graduating from St. Theresa’s Catholic Secondary School, received the Prince Edward County Arts […]

Jurors pleased with tremendously talented artists
Jurors for the annual Art in the County show were pleased with the extensive variety of disciplines and media represented in this 17th annual exhibition which opened Friday at 10 a.m. at the Picton Town Hall (corner of Ross and King streets). “It was a very pleasant and enjoyable experience for us,” they noted in […]