All Entries Tagged With: "birding"

May is for the birds in Prince Edward County
Colourful warblers in their spring breeding plumage continue to arrive at Prince Edward Point and migration monitoring at the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory is in full swing. The Spring Birding Festival continues this week to May 24 celebrating the return of the birds with hikes, workshops and banding demonstrations. This year, Mayor Robert Quaiff […]
Sue Capon | May 21, 2015 | Comments 0

Gettin’ Down and Dirty
Here’s a road you should try sometime. It runs from Carrying Place, along the north side of the Murray Canal. If your vehicle holds together and you don’t disappear from sight in a quagmire en route, you will eventually emerge onto County Road 64, at the next bridge. Appropriately enough, it is called Canal Road. […]
Terry Sprague | Sep 04, 2010 | Comments 1