Talented young people delighting County audiences with clever Canadian history tale
Administrator | Aug 12, 2014 | Comments 1
The Festival Players Young Company has been impressing County audiences this month with lively and energetic performances of All for Beaver Hats!
The troupe is now half way through its schedule of the delightfully cheerful, fast-paced funny tale of the Canadian Fur Trade. All for Beaver Hats! is a highlight reel of hilarity as the ensemble takes on various colourful characters and delivers a few hundred years of history in under an hour.
The County’s Brianna Gorsline returns for a second season with the Young Company. She recently graduated from Musical Theatre Performance at St. Lawrence College. Joining Brianna are ensemble members Rose Boomhower, Jeremie Cyr-Cooke, Braelyn Guppy and James King.
All-age audiences will laugh and cheer. Pack the lawn chairs to enjoy one of the next 11 a.m. performances:
Aug. 15, 16 and 17 at Campbell’s Orchards
Aug. 18 at Sandbanks Summer Village
Aug. 22, 23 and 24 at the Ameliasburgh Museum, 517 Cty Road 19.
Filed Under: Featured Articles
About the Author:
This is a delightful performance, and will appeal to people of all ages –not specifically for young children. The actors are very talented and energetic.