Taxi fare hike first in 14 years
Administrator | May 12, 2020 | Comments 0
Taxi fares in Prince Edward County have been increased for the first time in 14 years.
County council approved fee changes during its virtual meeting Tuesday night that were reviewed by Picton taxicab company owners who suggested that without an increase, they may not be able to continue operating due to the increases in their operations for insurance, gas and maintenance.
Council first reviewed the hikes in April and suggested staff review ways to improve affordability and revise the fee schedule in light of those using the service being affected by losses in income, and in light of the County’s current transit plan being pushed back – both due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The fees are maximum charges. The flat rate for a cab ride in Picton will be $8, up from $6.50. Fares outside, within a two kilometre radius of Picton, are $9. All other locations are set at $1.40 per kilometre, increasing to $1.60 per kilometre on Jan. 1, 2022. The previous rate was $1 a kilometre.
Cab companies told staff they have been unsuccessful maintaining service in Wellington due to lack of business, but there are licences available should a company wish to start service there.
Councillors also asked that the bylaw officer speak with neighbouring officers to seek agreements for the north end County residents travelling to Belleville and Trenton. Currently, pick ups are only allowed by taxi operators licenced in the County. Drop offs are allowed by outside companies.
Taxicabs may be rented by groups by the hour to any point beyond the County where the rate is negotiated between the cab owner and the person hiring for use.
The bylaw applies to taxis, limousine businesses and delivery businesses regularly used for hire, their owners and operators.
Filed Under: Local News
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