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This changes everything – march and movie

After last week’s horrific attacks, the French government announced the Paris Global Climate Conference will go ahead as planned and so will the global day of action on Nov. 29th in Ottawa.

But out of fear or sadness, many in Paris itself – the biggest march planned – may stay home. That makes it more important than ever for those of us elsewhere to turn out in huge numbers, to stand together and fight terror by showing what peaceful and powerful determination to solve one of the world’s greatest challenges looks like.

We want to send a powerful message to our new PM. With our new government making crucial decisions about climate policy right now, it’s no exaggeration to say that every connection we make could have an impact on our future.

With this in mind, The Council of Canadians Quinte joins Countydocs on Saturday Dec 5th at 2pm at the Regent Theatre, Picton to show the film, “This Changes Everything”. Naomi Klein explores how our disregard for our planet has endangered it and ourselves but also shows us how we can seize this crisis of climate change and turn it into an opportunity to transform our society and economy.

Bring your friends to see the film and also join us for a discussion afterward at the Beck and Call. If we let our courage help us make these connections we can help win a climate policy for Canada that we can all be proud of.

Lynne Rochon

Filed Under: Letters and OpinionNews from Everywhere Else

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