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Turbines proposed in wetlands – see for yourself

By Ted Cheskey
The deadline to comment on Gilead’s proposal to build nine industrial wind turbines on the Ostrander Point Crown Land Block in Prince Edward County, Ontario is coming fast.
Just days before the closing date for submissions to the Ontario Government’s Environmental Review Board, it is time to talk facts.

Here is just one small example of information provided by the proponent to the government. In the environmental screening report by Stantec, published in August 2010, Section 2.2.1 “Wetlands”, the consultants claim the following: “No wetland features were identified within the project location.”

Sounds like a fact right? This is the information upon which the government will be judging this project.

Now check out the video clips, shot at Ostrander Point by me on June 1, 2011 and make up your own mind:

No wetlands they say? hmm. . . Please make your voice heard.
Re: Gilead Power
Wind Energy Proposal at Ostrander Point Crown Land Block, EBR# 011-5239

More blog posts will follow as will our detailed comments in opposition to this proposal.

-Ted Cheskey

Filed Under: Uncategorized

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  1. chris says:

    thanks for reminding about the deadline ted. submitted my earth valentine after some difficulty finding where to do so.
    -1 went to
    -2 entered ebr “#011-5239”
    -3 clicked “011-5239 ” link
    -4 clicked “submit comment” button right side of page
    -5 entered name/address/phone/email and left short comment

    easy direct links to page posted elsewhere do not work for me.

    wetlands are visible in the area on google maps

  2. Karen Smith says:

    Anyone who has ever tried to use the roads south of #13 and Army Reserve already knew the truth about these wetlands. The ON government and the wind turbine companies did, too, actually.

  3. Chris Keen says:

    Time for Stantec’s employees to go back to school?

  4. Doris Lane says:

    Excellent presenation by Field Naturalists who always do a super job of defending our natural heritage

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