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Two bear sightings west of Wellington

Two bear sightings in rural areas west of Wellington in a 24-hour period have been reported to Prince Edward OPP.
Constable Kim Guthrie reports the first sighting was made by a resident on Hubbs Creek Road just before 7am yesterday by a caller observing a black bear cub in his back yard. The caller did not approach the bear which eventually wandered off.
The second sighting was made today approximately 8am by a woman working on a property on Huycks Bay Road.
Guthrie reports the woman heard some rustling in the brush near her and when she looked up, saw a black bear cub.
“The woman ran to her car and the bear cub followed her.  Once inside her car, the woman could see an adult bear standing in the bushes, but the adult did not approach the woman’s location.  The woman sought help and when she returned to the area, noticed her lunch bag was missing, presumably taken by the bears.”
No contact between the bears and the humans were made in either incident. The Ministry of Natural Resources have since been notified.

Prince Edward OPP reminds the public of the need to be aware that this is the time of year when bear sightings and movements throughout the area are most probable.

“The majority of human-bear conflicts result from bears being attracted to our community by non-natural food resources and everyone can do their part to eliminate attractants to assist in keeping our community safe,” said Guthrie.

The following safety tips are recommended:

– Store garbage in waste containers with tight fitting lids.

– Put garbage out ONLY on morning of pick up.

– Put away bird feeders – bird seed attracts bears.

– Clean outdoor grills – bears are attracted to grease and food residue.

– Pick up fruits and berries as they ripen – don’t let them rot on the ground.

– Do not leave pet food outside.
– Put meat scraps and trimmings in freezer until garbage day.

– Do not put meat scraps, fruit, or sweet food in composter – turn compost regularly.

The OPP urge residents to exercise sound judgement and common sense with bear encounters and to simply stay clear of the bear and in particular a sow with cubs.
People can call the toll free Bear Reporting Line at (1-866-514-2327) 24hours/7days/wk and speak to a live operator who will be happy to provide advice on bear behaviour, how to avoid human-bear conflicts and how to remove attractants.
Information is also available on the MNR web-site at under the Bear Wise topic.
If a bear poses an immediate threat to public safety, call 911 or the OPP at 1-888-310-1122.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Jeri Fraser says:

    Hey BooBoo!I think I smell a picnic basket.I do I do!!

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