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Thompson will lead local Liberal party

Georgina Thompson was chosen as the Prince Edward Hastings Liberal candidate for the next provincial election.

Thompson won the seat formerly held by Leona Dombrowsky, over Jonathan Sprung. Sixty-nine votes were cast by association members on Saturday at Capers Restaurant in Belleville.

Thompson recently graduated with a Master of Healthcare Administration and presently works at Hasting Manor as a front line nurse hoping to continue on with her studies in nursing at the Nurse Practitioner level. She is a member of Certify Health Care Executive sitting on the Executive team for Eastern Ontario. She was previously chair of the South East Local Health Integration Network.

Thompson is a member of the Rotary Club of Belleville having been the first women inducted into Rotary for the Quinte region. She is a Paul Harris Fellow (2011); a Harry Jerome Award winner (2003); winner of the first Belleville Business Women Award (2002) and the Premier’s Award for outstanding achievements in the field of Health Science College level (1998)

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The local Liberal party will choose its next provincial candidate on July 20 in Belleville.

Prince Edward Hastings Provincial Liberal Association president Denyse Mouck says “the association is pleased to have two excellent candidates contesting the nomination.”

Jon-SprungJonathan Sprung and Georgina Thompson will vye for the position vacated by Leona Dombrowsky in 2011 when she was defeated by PC candidate Todd Smith. She is now a justice of the peace.

Sprung is a crane operator and lobbist within the Canadian Labour Congress. He is a former administrator with the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists and the University of Toronto Engineering Alumni Office.

He is also a writer, playwright, actor and stage manager.

Georgina-ThompsonThompson is an RN at Hastings Manor. She is the past chair of the South East Local Health Integration Network, a former Belleville city councillor and a founder of the Regional Hospice of Quinte. She has also served on the Loyalist College Board of Governors and was president of All Care Health Services.

Details of the nomination meeting, including start times and voting procedures, will be sent out by the Ontario Liberal Party to all PEHPLA members eligible to vote.

Those interested in voting can sign up online at or call the association at 1-888-667-6218 for details.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Wolf Braun says:

    Mark: “My point is that we should not rush to hastily support an opposition provincial Conservative party that historically has cut health care and was the creator of amalgamations and corporations such as QHC. I need no lessons on Mr.Smith’s office and what he is portraying as I am quite aware. First and foremost he speaks for Tim Hudak and cannot sway from that stand.”

    That we ‘support’ Todd Smith is misleading Mark. We simply ask for his help in navigating through Queen’s Park. Doesn’t mean we ‘support’ him or his Party. He does have an opinion of his leader that seemed to us to be his own. However, he is a Conservative member for sure.

  2. Mark says:

    Wolf, the efforts you have been making are admirable. However you seem to be without saying directly supporting one political party over another. I support neither as I have lost trust. I understand your ideology debate but in reality leaders set ideology more than parties and members. One need not look any further than Mr.Harper and how his ideology is now so different than the Reform party and members that have supported him and put him in power. They are not pleased with his direction. My point is that we should not rush to hastily support an opposition provincial Conservative party that historically has cut health care and was the creator of amalgamations and corporations such as QHC. I need no lessons on Mr.Smith’s office and what he is portraying as I am quite aware. First and foremost he speaks for Tim Hudak and cannot sway from that stand.

  3. Wolf Braun says:

    From the Wellington Times, Rick Conroy, Editor. …

    “In 2011, Thompson’s billing practices as chair of the LHIN were featured prominently in a Hamilton Spectator feature story. The story described a scathing report by Ombudsman Andre Marin called the LHIN spin. According to the story (Georgina) Thompson billed Ontario taxpayers $89,250. for sitting as the LHIN Chair. Over her final two years she billed the Ontario government $171,000. as chair of a board that is scheduled to meet once a month.”

    So in year one as Chair she billed $89,250. or roughly $7,437.50 per monthly meeting. Divide that by 30 days…assuming she worked every day on Board ‘stuff’ she would be making $247.91 per day (30days). In her final two years that amount didn’t go down very much on a per day basis.

    Most consultants who bill $89,000 for work submit time sheets to justify the billing. Let’s ask Ms.Thompson to show us such time sheets. How did she arrive at her billing amount?

  4. Wolf Braun says:

    Mark writes: “If a local rep is so tied to the leaders ideology then one has to look at the leaders.”

    Mark needs to drop in at Todd Smith’s office sometime. There he would see a chalkboard with two lists of projects for his riding of Prince Edward Hastings. They’re big, big projects that have nothing to do with the the Conservative Party of Ontario and Mr. Hudak’s ideology.

    Mark also needs to remember that Mr. Hudak isn’t about Conservative ideology…. the ownership for ideology rests with the Party and its members. The leader simply gets to deliver the message.

  5. Mark says:

    While the local MPP may be good and impressed some he is clearly speaking from Hudak’s playbook. Hudak still trails the other party leaders significantly in leadership choice. If a local rep is so tied to the leaders ideology then one has to look at the leaders. When the Conservatives declared they would vote against the budget prior to even seeing it, that appeared to be an uninmformed quest for power. The voters may be unhappy with the Liberals but they should remember the cuts, municipal downloading and forced amalgamations (such as hospitals) that the Tories brought us last time around.

  6. Wolf Braun says:

    Anon writes: “I gotta admit Todd sounds good when he gets up in the legislature to spout out Tim Hudak’s Conservative rhetoric. His experience from his previous job serves him well.”

    We get to vote for the local representative.

    We don’t have a direct vote for Party leaders.

    It looks to me like you vote for the Party leader.

    That tells me you vote for a party’s ideology. Is that real democracy?

  7. Anon says:

    I gotta admit Todd sounds good when he gets up in the legislature to spout out Tim Hudak’s Conservative rhetoric. His experience from his previous job serves him well.

  8. Doris Lane says:

    Thompson will not beat Todd so we don’t have to worry about her being in Toronto–the Liberals are finished in PEHastings provincially

  9. Matt Helm says:

    Thompson literally billed the Ontario taxpayers for 53 weeks of work one year when she was paid on a per diem basis by the SE LHIN.

    Given the funding cuts to PECMH, do we really want a living, breathing example of wasted money in healthcare representing this riding at Queen’s Park?

  10. Mark says:

    Wasn’t it the Conservatives that initiated the amalgamation of hospitals and the creation of QHC?

  11. Argyle says:

    Just one more good reason to vote for Todd and the Conservatives.

  12. Wolf Braun says:

    P.O.O.C.H. is politically neutral. Has been from day one. That doesn’t mean that we don’t hesitate to ask our elected official for help in achieving our goal.

    Mr. Smith and his Queen’s Park assistant Mitch S. has done everything that we have asked of them and then some. Last week we met with Mr. Smith for his help in contacting his colleagues who also have small rural hospitals (in their riding) being decimated by the LHIN system so that we can grow and expand from Patron of our County Hospital to SAVE OUR RURAL HOSPITALS – S.O.R.H’s. We need a greater voice beyond just our own here in the County. The Premier can probably afford to lose in our riding, but we hope she will listen to us.

    So we appreciate all the help we can get.

    We don’t need to wait what Ms.Thompson’s position is on Health Care. She clearly supports the strategy of Premier Wynne and the Minister of Health, Deb Matthews. She’s on the record. She was also the first Chairperson of the SELHIN, which speak volumes.

    If Ms. Thompson has the courage to change her mind and speak against the current Liberal strategy on health care that sees the extinction of small rural Ontario hospitals we will gladly listen. The ball is in her court. … Wolf

  13. Matt Helm says:

    Todd’s always been straight with the people in the County. Whether it was on the hospital or the turbines or County Road 3, he’s always got our back.

    I did what Marie suggested and looked through hansard. There are a lot of mentions of the County when our MPP speaks at Queen’s Park.

  14. Marnie says:

    And why do you feel it would be so different if a Liberal were representing us, Anon? Todd has been responsive to the electors in his riding and spoken out about their concerns.

  15. Anon says:

    Todd does whatever he told to do by the party brass in Toronto. We have no representation at Queens Park.

  16. Marnie says:

    Look what Dalton did Mark. Whatever Todd may do it has to be a lot more constructive than that.

  17. marie says:

    If you have the time, check out the “handsard” reports from Queen’s Park. These are the transcripts of exactly what is said word for word at Queen’s Park in Toronto. I think you will find that Todd Smith represents PEC quite well. If there are such transcripts for what is said at Shire Hall, I haven’t found them. PEC though, does have all of their financial information and budgets posted and if you aren’t afraid to do a little math you can discover much about how our tax dollars are spent in the county. Bottom line…ignore the headlines, do your own research

  18. Mark says:

    And Doris what do you think Tim Hudak and his puppet Todd are going do? Amalgamations started with the Conservatives.

  19. Doris Lane says:

    I have been a life long Liberal but resigned the provincial membership when the green energy act came in
    The Tories have a really good person in Todd Smith and I wish him lots of luck

  20. Anon says:

    The Liberals are running a contested nomination meeting this time around, unlike the local Conservatives who last time tossed out their incumbent candidate and inserted a former radio news reader which guaranteed Tim Hudak’s propaganda would be heard loud and clear across the riding.

  21. Doris Lane says:

    It is very doubtful that the Liberal would win anyway.
    Dalton really ruined the chances of the liberals in this riding

  22. Matt Helm says:

    Georgina was the highest paid LHIN chairperson in the province at a time when the LHIN was starving PECMH for money.

    Yeah, exactly who the Liberals would pick.

  23. Doris Lane says:

    Thompson was the first appointee on Linns,

  24. Wolf Braun says:

    I wonder which one of the two candidates will support de-amalgamation of Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital from QHC ? 🙂 … Wolf

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