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Pet Appreciation events support County cats and dogs

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A Sheltered Life – stories as told to Maggie Haylock-Capon, by Liza, resident greeter at the Loyalist Humane Society. (Photographs by Alan R. Capon)

(If you are unable to adopt a cat or kitten, there are many other important ways to help the LHS. Donations of Javex and other household cleaning products, garbage bags, grocery bags, litter, cat food and kitten food are welcome. The Loyalist Humane Society is located on County Road 4, (Talbot Street), near the intersection of Tripp Road.)
Happy Easter, Everyone!!

Zeke, pinch-hitting for Liza, from the door top.

Zeke, pinch-hitting for Liza, from the door top.

It’s Zeke, your roving reporter, pinch-hitting for Liza who is busy trying to decide on an outfit for our Easter Parade. She has asked me to tell you about recent happenings here in The Laundry Room. We have a new resident named Caruso who is keeping everyone awake at night, when he practises his scales.

Caruso, who is an opera singer, and his friend had fallen on hard times. Unable to find themselves a gig they were sheltering in a pig pen on Bethel Road. This winter they survived on hand-outs from a kind family who took pity on them. They were hopeful of jump-starting their careers this spring, then disaster struck. Caruso’s partner Mario Lanza was killed in what was believed to have been a coyote attack. The family that had befriended these travelling songsters decided that it was no longer safe for Caruso to stay in the pig pen, so they brought him to our shelter. We all like Caruso, but it is annoying to be subjected to those operatic arias all day long. Liza can’t get any sleep and is getting cranky. Every time Mrs. Moffatt brings out a tin of food for Caruso he insists on singing for his supper. We are all hoping that he will get laryngitis.

The big buzz this week is Appreciation Days at Picton’s Pet Valu owned by Tricia and John Daley. Last year, they were tops in donations for their region and ranked fourth in Canada. This spring, Tricia is determined to raise even more money for our shelter through this special event. On April 12, 13, and 14, there will be a series of special events and throughout the month of April customers can make donations to the shelter by purchasing paper “paws” that will be posted on the store window and walls.

Tricia has told me that there will be a litter drive on the first weekend of April (April 6-7) and on April 13 a silent auction will begin, with lots of great items donated by county businesses. On the third weekend of the month, the Loyalist Humane Society (that’s us) and Prince Edward Canine Control will bring pets seeking forever homes to the store for adoption. On the last weekend of the month there will be a Cookies and Cupcakes sale – cookies for the dogs and cupcakes for their owners. All dog-related items purchased for donation by customers during Appreciation Days will be given to Canine Control since they are in real need of collars, leashes, treats, etc. The money raised through the sale of “paws” will be donated to our shelter. Tricia said that throughout the month of April all customers who donate $10. or more will receive a free pet name tag. These tags regularly sell for $10. each, so this is a great deal.

Everyone here at the shelter is excited about Appreciation Days and we are all wondering who will be chosen to go to this event as a potential adoptee. We have our paws crossed that Caruso, who is very handsome, will be one of the favoured few. Just don’t ask him to sing.

Liza has just reminded me that I am getting rather long-winded and it’s time for me to introduce some of our residents who are hoping for fresh starts in new forever homes this spring. So, here goes.

CarusoCaruso – Meet Caruso, an operatic tenor who fell on hard times this winter. He was rescued from a pig pen and is now rehearsing for the lead role in The Barber of Seville. He would be the purrfect cat for a musical family. He’s young, handsome, and has a flair for the dramatic.

Rocky-KittywhiskersRocky Kittywhiskers – Rocky isn’t looking for a forever home for he already has one with us. He just wants everyone to know how excited he is to have a sponsor – an 11-year-old from Kitchener who has just sent him a letter. It’s the first time he has ever received mail and he’s very excited.

CrawfordCrawford – Our resident legal advisor Crawford has been short-listed and is very excited about the possibility of a forever home. However, he is well aware that short-listed does not mean adopted. He’s still auditioning. Young and highly intelligent he would be the ideal companion for someone willing to help him pursue his career in law.

James-BondJames Bond – It’s Bond, James Bond, still waiting for a family of his own. He cannot understand why no one has chosen him. After all, he has made movies and is renowned for his skills in tracking down evil-doers. This young cat could be the perfect addition to your family.

PreciousPrecious – Sleek, savvy and sexy, Precious has it all. With the figure of a runway model she would add elegance to any sofa or arm-chair. She is fervently hoping for a house with a white leather couch but it willing to consider almost any comfortable sofa. This elegant miss could add the wow factor to your home’s decor.

Mickey-D-and-MittensMickey D and Mittens – Look! A two-fer! It’s Mickey D, a handsome, long-haired tabby cat with his gal pal Mittens, a beautiful young miss in Calico. Adopt them singly or as a pair and make your house a home.

Miss-EllieThis Week’s Poster Puss:
Miss Ellie – Recently, a friend donated some new beds to the LHS and Miss Ellie was over the moon. She loves her Ultracatic and spends hours in it. A stray found at Quinte’s Isle campground, she cane to the shelter with her kittens last year. Sadly, two of them died and Mrs. Moffatt took the third one home with her, expecting that it, too, would fail to survive. This plucky kitten surprised her. He thrived and she named him Timex, because he just keeps on ticking. He has found his forever home with her.

Spitty-RileySpitty Riley – “Look into my eyes and concentrate on the hypnotic sound of my purr. You are in my power. I am Spitty Riley, Queen of the Ferals. I rule”. Of course, our Spitty is not for adoption but she does like to keep her profile up.

CascadeCascade – This striking Calico cat was found at the Cascades pub, hence her name. She is hopeful that she will find a caring forever home and will do her very best to please.

Buddy-BBuddy B – Like Rocky, Buddy B is walking with a new spring in his step this week. He, too, has a sponsor. This Siamese cross is a mature cat who fell on hard times. He now has a home with us and a special friend who has taken an interest in his future.

MartyMarty – Say hello to Marty, a handsome buff cat who would welcome a forever home or a sponsor. He was rescued from a pig pen and is now a popular resident of our shelter.

AY-JacksonA.Y. Jackson – One of a group of seven cats that came to us last year, A.Y. Jackson shows no artistic talent. He has been strongly advised to reconsider his career and enroll in a college course that would equip him to qualify as a rodent control specialist. He enjoys being on the hot seat and you can see from this photo in which he is perched on the heater.

AlbertAlbert – Albert is a popular young cat here at our shelter. He’s a Jellico or black and white puss and is considered very handsome by many of our female residents.

StellaStella – Stella is cross-eyed, as you have probably noticed but please don’t let this discourage you from considering her as your new BFF. This charming little tiger miss has lots of character and would make a perfect family pet.

BillyBilly – Meet Billy, Ben’s brother. He’s skittish, too but just add love and he’ll purr.

BenBen – Ben seems to be asking “Whadda want, Buster?” in this photo but he is actually a very charming young man when you get to know him. He is a little skittish but would thrive in a quiet, loving home.

Arnold-and-SharpieArnold and Sharpie – Arnold and Sharpie are firm friends who enjoy nap-time together. Adopt them singly or as a pair.

adoptedFrom the Desk of Liza:
Please be sure to visit Pet Valu next month to support Appreciation Days. The money raised during this special event makes a big difference to our shelter and donations of product such as kibble, wet food, litter, toys and blankets are always welcome.

There she goes, wait, here she comes, no, there she goes again. That’s the story of Carly, a pert young miss who found her forever home but was returned because she thought outside the box. The family who adopted her had second thoughts about their decision to bring her back, however. They realized that on the occasion when she failed to find the ladies’ room, the door to it had been closed. With no way to get to her litter box she had improvised. They came back to reclaim Carly, who is delighted to have been given a second chance.

We are all eagerly awaiting a visit from the Easter Bunny (don’t tell the other cats but Mrs. M. and I just put rabbit ears on Crawford, fill up a basket with treats and tell him to hop to it. He then goes from room to room at our shelter lisping “Happee Ether”. Of course he complains bitterly about this harey experience but we all know he really enjoys it. But I guess he really didn’t have much fun last year. Spitty Riley and Hissy Missy jumped him, stole his bunny ears and stuck them on Buddy while he was sleeping, then ran off with Crawford’s Easter basket.
See you at Pet Valu,

-Until next week,

* * *

Cat sponsors show love for lifers at Loyalist Humane Society

Happy Spring, Everyone,

It’s Liza here, reporting from The Laundry Room, command central at the Loyalist Humane Society. I’m very excited about our new Loyalist Sponsorship Program which is receiving such enthusiastic response from the community. Last weekend, six of our residents found sponsors whose donations will allow them to enjoy happier, healthier lives. Previously, half-a-dozen other cats in residence with us also obtained sponsorships.

Gilly, 11,  sponsors Rocky.

Gilly, 11, sponsors Rocky.



One of our sponsors is a delightful young lady named Gilly who has a special rapport with cats. When she was very young, she was given a stuffed cheetah as part of a bank promotion. It was love at first sight and from that day forward she became the cheetah’s number one fan. Last year, when asked to write and deliver a speech as a school assignment, she had no trouble in choosing a topic. She talked about cheetahs, their great beauty and their phenomenal speed.

Gilly is so enthusiastic about cheetahs that she resolved to do whatever she could to help these amazing animals. She opened a lemonade stand, with a little assistance from her mother, and all of the proceeds from her sales were donated to a fund to save the cheetahs.

I am proud to say that Gilly regularly reads my blog and when she and her mom learned about our sponsorship program they decided to support us. They have generously sponsored Inky and Rocky. Gilly does not mind that Rocky is a little the worse for wear thanks to his highly unsuccessful career as a pugilist. Before he came to live with us he had many fights and claimed the doubtful distinction of having won none of them. To Gilly, our Rocky is beautiful. She says he just has a few “boo-boos”.

There are approximately 50 “lifers’ or cats unsuitable for adoption now residing in our shelter. Some have chronic health problems, while others are elderly or unsocialized (i.e. the legendary Spitty Riley). For just $20. a month you can sponsor the lifer of your choice. Sponsorship may be provided for a period of time of your choosing. If you would like more information please contact our shelter manager, Mrs. Moffatt.

And speaking of Mrs. M., she is now bracing for the arrival of spring kittens. The little rug rats will be coming our way in just a few weeks time, for every spring we see a procession of wayward cats and their offspring. This place will soon be bursting at the seams. To make space for all of the newcomers it would be helpful if we could find forever homes for a few of our star boarders. Allow me to introduce you to a few of our hopefuls who would very much like families of their own.

Miss-WhippleMiss Whipple: A mature tabby cat who is about five years of age Miss Whipple is seeking a position as an only cat. It became obvious that she does not play well with others when she started hissing at the two cat-shaped doorstops at the shelter. A stray found near Factory Lane in Cherry Valley she is earnestly seeking a home of her own – preferably one without doorstops.

BonnieBonnie: This pert black and white miss came to the shelter as a stray. Bonnie is young and sure to stand out in any crowd for she has a distinctive kink in her tail. She would make an ideal family pet.

InkyInky: Inky, who recently had dental surgery appears to be having plenty to say about the value of our new sponsorship program. He is presently recuperating following the extraction of his teeth, a procedure necessitated by a painful condition called stomatitis. He is not available for adoption at the present time but will be looking for a forever home that serves wet food when he has fully recovered.

Candice-CainCandice Cain: Meet our Candy Stripper (no, I do not mean Candy Striper). This young miss was stripping to put herself through college. Arrested and brought to our shelter she is now hoping to turn her life around. If she could find a forever home with a loving family willing to pay for her education she would be most grateful. We would all be happy to see Candice settled in her forever home for she insists on using the pole lamp in our room for pole dancing. This little girl really knows how to make the lights flicker.

RockyRocky: Who says nice guys finish last? Rocky may never have won a fight but this sweet senior cat has found a sponsor. An 11-year-old girl named Gilly has claimed him as “her” cat and her donation towards his care has provided him with a pension for his old age. Now, he spends his days dreaming about the fights he almost won and wonders, if like Sylvester Stallone, he could make a comeback.

Madame-RMadame R:  Madame R is not waiting for an adoptive home. She’s found her very own play tent at the LHS and insists that she is waiting for the Sheik of Araby. No one has crept into this 16-year-old cat’s tent to date but she remains hopeful. This lovely pale Calico came to us as a feral cat but appears quite happy to enjoy all of the creature comforts of the great indoors.

Lady-MarmaladeLady Marmalade: Young, cute, and looking for love, Lady Marmalade is our Lady in Red. When her former owner surrendered her to our shelter she reported that this is a cat who thrives on attention. She’s now looking for a new BFF. Could it be you?

Charlotte-WebbCharlotte Webb: A playful young Calico eager for a home of her own, Charlotte Webb has set up housekeeping in a play tunnel. She enjoys a rousing game of hide and seek and would be happy to audition for you.

LilyLily: Looking for an Easter lily? Why not choose this beautiful Calico cat who is already colourfully dressed for the Easter Parade?

Top-DrawerTop Drawer: Top Drawer may be snoozing in the bottom drawer of this chest but he’s a top of the line puss who would be happy to accent your furniture. A mature cat who has ‘been there, done that” he would make the purrfect companion for a senior citizen.

Tess-n-BessTess N’ Bess: Look, a BOGO! This mother and daughter are mature cats who have been together all their lives. They will be offered to a forever home only as a pair. The bond they share can clearly be seen in their photo. Both Tess and Bess are a little on the plump side and would appreciate a Queen-size bed.

LeftyLefty: Meet Lefty a charming senior who has become a permanent fixture in our shelter. He would greatly appreciate a sponsor and sometimes dreams of what it would be like to have a forever home. He’s very affectionate and earned his name for his habit of giving a left hook to one of the volunteers whenever she paid attention to any of the other cats. If you cannot offer Lefty a home perhaps you would like to become his sponsor and pay him the occasional visit.

TinyTiny: Tiny is a young cat approximately four years of age who would enjoy being the new best friend of a retired couple or a lonely senior. Tabby cats are often overlooked because they are not as flashy as Calicos or Jellicoes (black and white cats) but Tiny says there is no substitute for a serviceable pin-striped suit. It’s always in fashion.

JeffJeff: Meet Jeff of the Mutt and Jeff team. This sleek young gentleman in the black velvet suit would be a welcome guest at any cocktail party. If you entertain often and are in search of an eligible bachelor to entertain your female guests, consider this charmer. He’ll work cheap for mouse-meat hors d’ouevres.

Chocolate Grumpy Wildy (2)Chocolate, Grumpy and Wildy:  This handsome trio was caught napping at the LHS last week. All are available for auditions but stress that they would prefer a home that offers a room with a view and a cushy bed.

Orange-JuliusTHIS WEEK’S CENTREFOLD – Orange Julius -This handsome playboy has been short-listed several times but has never made the cut. Who could say no to a drop-dead gorgeous red-head with a change of kiosks in the malls? Orange Julius has it all. Don’t overlook this rising star.

Sticky-IkySticky Icky: Sticky Icky always enjoys a visit from his favourite shelter volunteer Monika. Still, he would very much like a forever home. If you have room in your heart for an upstanding young man in a business suit, just whistle and he’ll grab his briefcase and jump into your car.

No-cats-in-cupboardsSafety First!

Keeping Posted - Volunteer Dolores Wallace realizes how difficult it can be for volunteers to keep track of 250 cats and kittens and their comings and goings. That's why she has made up some new photo boards to chart adoptions, cats currently in residence and cats who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It's a terrific idea and everyone here reports that it is very helpful.

Keeping Posted – Volunteer Dolores Wallace realizes how difficult it can be for volunteers to keep track of 250 cats and kittens and their comings and goings. That’s why she has made up some new photo boards to chart adoptions, cats currently in residence and cats who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It’s a terrific idea and everyone here reports that it is very helpful.


Liza has become very concerned about her expanding waistline and has hit upon a novel way of burning off those pesky calories. She's moved her bed to the top of the dryer and every time a load of wash is dried she vibrates during the spin cycle. Don't mention that I told you, but from what I can see those pounds have just migrated upwards. She now has a very plump chin.

Concerned about her expanding waistline, Liza has moved her bed to the top of the dryer and every time a load of wash is dried she vibrates during the spin cycle. Don’t mention that I told you, but from what I can see those pounds have just migrated upwards to a very plump chin.

From the Desk of Liza:
All of us here at the shelter are looking forward to the upcoming Appreciation Days at Picton’s Pet Valu April 12, 13, 14.

Last year, store owners Tricia and John Daley finished tops in their region and fourth in all of Canada, in this annual fundraiser. Let’s help them to repeat this amazing feat this year.

Some of the residents who are available for adoption from the LHS will be going to Pet Valu during this special event. You will have a chance to meet them and perhaps someone will follow you home.

-Until next week,

* * *

Lost cats find shelter at Loyalist Humane Society

Liza22 Hi, All,

It’s Liza, official greeter for the Loyalist Humane Society reporting live from The Laundry Room, favourite hang-out of the in-crowd at our shelter. Most of us here are experiencing the winter doldrums. In the winter months we cannot use our outdoor runs, so we spend all of our time indoors. It’s nap time 24/7. Of course, we do have visitors sometimes and auditions, when families come to adopt. However, this week we did have some real excitement and I can’t wait to tell you about it.



Remember Inky, the handsome, long-haired black cat who was featured in A Sheltered Life last week? This sweet-natured young fellow was adopted some time ago but was returned to our shelter, recently, because he had developed stomatitis a life-threatening condition that causes painful sores in the mouth and throat. His owner felt unable to cope with the responsibility of medicating him and paying his veterinary bills. Stomatitis is incurable and makes it exceedingly painful for a cat to eat. Periodic shots of a drug called Depomedral reduce the inflammation for a time but do not effect a cure. The only effective treatment to return the cat to health is the extraction of its teeth. As was mentioned in my blog last week, this is a very expensive procedure that is not considered practical in most shelters, since it is necessary to judiciously distribute funding to provide the best possible care for all of the cats in care.

After reading my blog and seeing Inky’s picture last week a kind-hearted, generous woman who lives in Kitchener (yes, I have fans in many parts of Ontario) decided that she and her family should help. She said that Inky won her heart the moment she saw his photograph. After a family conference it was agreed that she would pay for a substantial portion of the cost to have Inky’s teeth removed. Our good friend Dr. Steve performed the surgery this week and now the Inkster has a toothless grin (eat your heart out Cheshire Cat) and an excellent chance of becoming a healthy, happy cat once again. Everyone here is very happy for him. It has also raised our spirits to know that there are wonderful people out there like the woman who came to Inky’s rescue. She insists on remaining anonymous so we have nicknamed her “Inky’s Angel”.



There have been some new arrivals at our shelter this week and at least two of them appear to be family pets who were once dearly loved. Justin, a beautiful long-haired red tabby was found on County Road 8 near Waupoos. This handsome young gentleman was wearing a red nylon harness.

Bo Jingles

Bo Jingles

Bo Jingles was found at Skiff Cove in Wellington. He was wearing a collar with a blue bell attached. Unfortunately one of his forepaws had been caught in it. His rescuer brought him to us, hopeful that he will be reunited with his owner.

Recently, several cats who obviously were lost pets have come into our care. Curiously, we have received no inquiries about them. If your cat is missing, please follow these helpful tips to aid in its safe return:

1. Make posters featuring a picture of your cat and distribute them in your neighbourhood. Also ask permission to post them on the bulletin boards of local veterinary clinics.
2. Canvass your neighbourhood to inquire if anyone has seen your cat.
3. Call local veterinary clinics, shelters and animal control to ask if your pet has been taken to one of these facilities.
4. Check the Lost Cat network or our Facebook page

Now, on to Crawford’s clever plan to make life a little more exciting here. As our resident legal advisor has pointed out, many of us are still waiting patiently for our forever homes. It’s been years in many cases. Crawford says it is high time that those earnestly seeking laps to lie upon become pro-active. He has founded a dating service called Crawford’s Kitten Club and has persuaded several of our residents to post their profiles on County Live. Follow me to meet some of the coolest cats in town.



MittensMITTENS – Meet Mittens a saucy calico miss who loves to play. She’s young, adventurous and waiting for that certain someone who will make her life complete. Take a walk on the wild side and give her a call.

FigaroFIGARO -If you enjoy opera you’ll love Figaro. This sleek black cat who wears white gloves is anxiously waiting for the day when a certain someone of refined tastes will come along to sweep him off his paws. It is rumoured that Figaro sings like Pavarotti and would be delighted to serenade his lady love. What are you waiting for girls?

Bill-BaileyBILL BAILEY – Say hello to Bill Bailey, aka Billie, a mature gentleman of four, who was turned out without even a fine-toothed comb. He would very much like to come home and is hopeful that someone will call for him soon. As the song says, if you do the cookin’ honey, he’ll pay the rent.

Meet-the-FeralsMEET THE FERALS – a dysfunctional group with plenty of hang-ups. Led by Spitty Reilly and Hissy Missy they are not about to cuddle on anyone’s lap. These “lifers” may never get a date but they would very much appreciate it if you could show them some love by sponsoring one of them or sending a few treats or a soft blanket or two their way. Spitty was recently sponsored by a kind gentleman who is the purrfect match for her. He’s a lawyer and she is the shelter cat voted most likely to need one. For just $20. a month yoiu could make an important difference in the life of one of these cats. For details, contact Crawford.

CascadeCASCADE – Another member of the Feral family, Cascade is a beautiful, wild child. She would very much like a gentleman friend to support her. If you would like to sponsor this beauty she will be happy to send you her photograph. For just $20. a month you could buy her undying gratitude.

Feral-family-tuger-pussMore members of the Feral family. This tiger puss is said to wear black leather and ride a Harley. It could be a serious mistake to mess with him.

BBBB – This lovely tiger puss with a tragic past is B.B. She thought she had found her forever home but was returned after a short time on approval. She says rejection stings and she is urgently seeking a new home with a family who will love and understand her. She is not sure of what she did wrong but she would very much like a second chance.

HarnessHARNESS – Looking for a special man in your life? Handsome, debonair and available, Harness is waiting for your call. He arrived at our shelter wearing a tight-fitting – wait for it – harness and had obviously been someone’s pet. However, no one called regarding his whereabouts so he became one of our residents. He’s eagerly waiting for a new owner who will appreciate his many fine qualities.

Miss-MattieMISS MATTIE – The most beautiful girl in the world, Miss Mattie, is eagerly awaiting a phone call from her very own Prince Charming. This long-haired tiger miss is a mature cat, but so petite that she will always look like a kitten. Good things indeed do come in small packages. For a date with Mattie please contact Crawford at the Loyalist Humane Society.

Main-House-CallieMAIN HOUSE CALLIE – This sleepy miss is Main House Callie, a delightful little cat, who would be happy to warm your bed on cold winter nights. This pretty miss would be a welcome addition to any household.

Miss-WhippleMISS WHIPPLE – Say hello to Miss Whipple, a winsome peach tabby who longs to be someone’s “one and only”. She does not play well with others and would not be suitable for a multi-cat household. However, if you are willing to give up playing the field to become her significant other, she will reward you with her undying love.

TinkerbellTINKERBELL – Beauty and brains – Tinkerbell has it all. This delightful miss in the luxurious gray and white fur was adopted but the relationship did not work out. She came back to the shelter as a stray. Is there a mysterious woman with a past in your future. Come meet Tinkerbell and find out.

Franco roving reporter

Roving reporter Franco catches 40 winks between assignments.

From the Desk of Liza:

This week I am sad to report that Hunter and Cremesicle, two long-time residents of our shelter, have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We will miss them

Again, I would like to mention our sponsorship program. For a donation of only $20 a month you can sponsor one of our shelter cats. Choose one of our residents as your special friend and you will receive a letter and photograph from him or her. If it is not possible for you to adopt, sponsorship allows you to make an important difference in a cat’s life.

Please pardon me, but it is nap time so I’m off to catch 40 winks.

-Until next week,

* * *
Click here for previous Loyalist Humane Society blogs and other Margaret Haylock Capon features

Filed Under: Margaret Haylock-CaponNews from Everywhere Else

About the Author: Maggie Haylock is a freelance writer and former newspaper reporter who has co-authored several books with her husband, Alan Capon.

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  1. nan Keenan says:

    I’m looking for a cat, 3 + yrs old, short haired (and I mean short since I’m allergic) and if possible declawed. This cat would have to be tough as it would be in the company of two dogs (both 3 years old, one a Boston rescue male and the other, a pug/Boston mix female, which I’ve had from a pup). However, both dogs have been exposed to cats and our neighbour has many cats which my dogs seem more anxious to meet than terrorize. I want the kind of cat that wants to be indoors most of the time. We have a fenced in yard but I know that means nothing to a cat. Let me know what you think? Please call if you’d like to discuss further. I’ve not doubt that we’ll find the right cat for us. I’ve been to your place and sadly, there’s too many to choose from.

    Look forward to hearing from you.


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