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Undead shamble through town on fifth annual walk

Library-zombies-2015The undead cheered the Picton Library’s Christine Renaud for hosting the fifth annual Picton Library Zombie Walk Tuesday night.

A Zombie Walk involves people dressing as zombies, or ‘undead” for a parade, but the public library added to the fun. The downstairs of the library was transformed into Zombie Central where people gathered for makeup help from experienced zombie make up artists and friends, searched through clothing and costumes to wear, mixed up some fake blood, and soaked up a fun atmosphere.

They shambled from the library to the Tim Hortons and back. Some were spotted shopping downtown.

Stevie of Sensenstein FX

Stevie of Sensenstein FX

Earl and Caroline Green, aka Brains, were angry villagers.

Earl and Caroline Green, aka Brains, were angry villagers.



13 tips to read over with the young ones for a scary, but safe, Halloween:
1. Wear light coloured Halloween costumes, ones with reflective material on them (increases visibility);
2. Use makeup instead of a mask (this allow you to see better);
3. Wear short costumes (to avoid tripping);
4. Walk, don’t run from house to house;
5. Carry a flashlight;
6. Do not criss-cross the street, go up one side and then down the other;
7. Follow the “rules of the road” and remember to STOP, LOOK and LISTEN, before you cross the street;
8. Never go out “trick or treating” alone;
9. Tell your parents/guardians your route. Better yet, take them!
10. Never go inside houses to get your treat;
11. Go only to homes that are well lit and are participating in Halloween;
12. Do not eat your treats before an adult has checked them;
13. Know where the Safe Places are in your community where you can go to for help.

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