Unique mailboxes making passersby smile, drop off thank you mail
Administrator | Jul 24, 2018 | Comments 2
Passersby who took a photograph of a unique mailbox returned to deliver a card they created with a note of thanks for making them smile.
On Hwy 33, about a half km south of the communications towers near Carrying Place, two folkart mail boxes continue to attract attention.

Roger and Ginette
“Like genuine tourist attractions they generate a huge interest to those who vacation here as well as our local residents,” said Roger Schmidt, their creator.
The stickman with the lunchbox and hardhat saluting passers by, and the whisky barrel horse across the road have become conversation pieces as well as attracting visitors, he said.
Roger was helped by his wife Ginette Trudel to make the the stick man more than a year ago.
“My neighbour, Kim Boily, and her husband, Claude, asked me to make something for their house,” and the whisky barrel horse was soon in position.
“There is a lot of joy in this art work,” said Schmidt. “The Boily’s love the artwork and are amazed at the notoriety they receive. After someone made a card from a photo they took of the horse and put it into their mailbox with a thank-you for making them smile, they were so thrilled.”
Filed Under: cheers • Featured Articles
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This is going to sound like mailbox politics but thanks for raising this idea again Sue. I’m happy to see that others agree that County roadsides need some cleaning up.
Last year I responded to the County’s request for sesquicentennial ideas by suggesting a County mailbox contest to celebrate the County’s heritage of excellence in woodcrafting and to beautify the County (many mailboxes are nothing more than a sorry blight on the County landscape.) The cost to the County would be negligible because I found a local sponsor to offer prizes for different categories of mail boxes.
County officials who had made the request for ideas turned down my idea out of hand, eventually giving several nonsensical reasons like: these might be illegal mailboxes, or they may not weather well, and any excuse to turn down my suggestion because it came from me, a well-known critic of bad governance. Just another everday example where Shire Hall’s political pettiness has held back this County for far too long.
We drive by these often on our way to the wineries or beach and always wanted to stop and ask the owners where they came from and take a selfie with them. Now we know but still want the selfie! 🙂