Update on County road closures, restrictions
Administrator | Jun 06, 2017 | Comments 0
The County has provided an update on local roads impacted by high water levels.
Long Point Road, closed last week, is now open to the government dock.
· Cressy Lakeside Road is restricted to one lane, with shoreline work in progress. Waves have caused erosion near the edge of the pavement in several areas.
· Walbridge Circle is closed to local traffic only. Heavy trucks are not permitted.
There is also water flowing over several roads in The County, including:
· Winns Drive
· Wesley Acres Road
· Hiscock Shores
· Hennessy Street (at the end of the street near the last two houses)
· County Road 28 (at the bridge off County Road 62)
· North Big Island Road (north end, east of Caughey Road)
· Sunrise Drive
All areas are posted with ‘water over road’ signs. Residents should use caution when driving roads along the shoreline, and limit the use of these areas.
Roads crews continue to monitor road conditions in low-lying areas. Further closures or restrictions may be necessary if roads become unsafe for passage due to water levels. Drivers must obey all marked signage and road barricades. It is illegal, and dangerous, to drive on closed roads.
For information, to request assistance or to report flooding, contact County of Prince Edward Customer Service at 613.476.2148 ext. 1023 or email info@pecounty.on.ca (messages will be monitored after hours). For immediate concerns, contact the Prince Edward County Fire Department at 613.476.2602.
Filed Under: Local News
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