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Viable options in this election

Along with a hundred plus citizens I attended the all candidates’ meeting to help decide who should represent Prince Edward-Hastings. The Bloomfield meeting was a civil affair with four well-spoken and prepared candidates. Talk about the leaders was curiously absent except by Michael McMahon of the NDP. Perhaps it was viewed by the other candidates as having too much downside risk in such a public forum. Harper by name and DNA is a polarizing character. Ignatieff is the new guy who has yet to excite, let alone charm the nation and Elizabeth May has been all but silenced this election.
The candidates pitched their party platforms and especially their own ability to do better in Ottawa for us. Incumbent Daryl Kramp, after 7 years, has risen to the second last row of the House of Commons. He loves his job. He is a gentleman, community man and the friendliest person in his Belleville office. He is accessible, a reliable foot soldier and careful to avoid committing or initiating anything contentious to his party’s policy. Time and again he expressed how most situations he faces are complex. That appears why he says he won’t answer surveys and likes lots of meetings! His answers to audience questions rambled and at times he appeared confused. He provides a presence in Ottawa but not the strength of voice we have had in the past. Peter Tinsley may be the smartest candidate this riding has ever had on the ballot. His intellectual capacity, decisiveness and public service record sets him in a different league from the others. He suffers no fools, yet clearly cares about others in need. He referred to his notes more often than the others perhaps to show that his Liberal party had a considered answer to a question posed. Tinsley displayed quiet competence, sincerity and no nonsense directness. To him, being an MP is a duty to be done truthfully, boldly and honourably. Michael McMahon presented the need to challenge the motives behind major decisions whether ordering F35 jets or extending subsidies to oil companies. He wants to rein in corporate Canada and raise the quality of life for all Canadians. Patrick Larkin aptly attired in a green shirt focused on the future, one without his victory will continue to doom the planet. He pitched a better path that called for tough decisions now and one that is entirely up to us on Monday. We need an MP who will initiate, challenge and deliver for us and the nation. That, I conclude, calls for a new PE-H voice now. We have viable options.

Don Carr

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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  1. Doris Lane says:

    Yes it is true, Kramp posted his signs on the Pinecrest lawn as people were arriving and he had to take them down.
    Of course Peter Tinsley is the best person to represent PEH and Ignatieff is the best person to be the Prime Minister.
    I used to mute the TV when Harper came on and now I have to mute it when Layton comes on. Jumping Jack gets on my nerves
    TORMORROW VOTE TINSLEY–LIBERAL- there is no other choice

  2. Rob says:

    Vote Green and you vote for Canadian ideals on the Green front
    – Admirable –

    Vote Peter Tinsley “New Liberal” and you’ll get a Crusader for Prince Edward County. I choose Peter Tinsley on all counts.

  3. Rob says:

    Sunday, May 1st, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    So rumour circulating that at the all candidates forum in Bloomfield Cons were directed to post Kramp signs on the school lawn before concerned voters arrived…and were directed to take them back down? If true ( and we have it on Very good authority ) shame shame SHAME ..if true. The Con incumbent should Know Better to obey the rules…as should His Party Leader.

    We all know Stephen Joseph Harper knows them ( democratic rules) -but continually disobeys them – Hence a Contempt ruling by Canadians bringing on this election storm!

    ” Harper asks Liberal voters to stop NDP ”

    NOT ON YOUR LIFE! Not on your Anti-Canadian Lives!!! (read link above) (((( Peter Tinsley please RESTORE us to INTEGRITY on May 2nd. ))))

    Vote SOLIDLY for Peter Tinsley – FOR Prince Edward County!

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