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We cannot disregard the eco-systems that help us survive

I am not opposed to wind energy, but I feel that the Ostrander Point Wind Project is proposed to be built in the wrong location.

We can’t afford to harm the endangered species in this area and I think we need to look at healthier energy options that don’t damage the few precious animals we have left.

I understand that if this permit is approved, it will give Gilead the legal right to “kill, harm and harass” at least two endangered species, the Blanding’s turtle and the Whip-poor-will.

Not to mention that the project also sits in a globally significant birding area for migratory and breeding waterfowl, raptors, and land birds.  Did Gilead consider the data from the nearby Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory (PEPTBO), just a few concessions east of the proposed project, which has documented 298 species of birds in total and records 220 species on average each year?
If Nature Canada, a non-profit organization that advocates for nature, strongly opposes this location despite being supportive of most wind energy projects, why is it on the table at all?

As a mom of three young children, disrupting the animals in this location for a wind energy site is unacceptable to me.  What kind of earth will our youth be inheriting if we continue to disregard the eco-systems that help us survive?

Please do not let this permit go through.

Siobhan Kukolic

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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