Wellington Legion presents $1,000 to Hospice PE
Administrator | Jun 18, 2012 | Comments 0
CHEERS! from Hospice Prince Edward, to members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 160 Wellington who made a generous donation to help Hospice Prince Edward provide client services such as home visitation and bereavement support in the County. The $1000 represents proceeds from the branch Poppy Fund. Bob Little, left, made the presentation to Nancy Parks, Hospice Executive Director with Ken Taylor.
Hospice Prince Edward is a non-profit, non-denominational organization whose mandate is to provide palliative and bereavement support to families and individuals of all ages in Prince Edward County. Thanks to funding from the SELHIN, Trillium grants, a variety of fundraising activities and the generosity of concerned citizens, we are able to offer our service free of charge.
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 160 Wellington is celebrating more than 85 years of Remembrance and Commitment to veteran’s and their families, local youth and community in Wellington.
Filed Under: cheers • News from Everywhere Else
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