What resistance to the White Pines Wind project is NOT about
Administrator | Nov 29, 2017 | Comments 3
Letter to the Editor:
Reality is setting in as South Marysburgh residents deal with the noise and increase of heavy vehicular traffic related to the construction activities at the White Pines Wind Project sites around Milford.
Many are also grappling with the fact that their ancestral homes are undergoing the unwelcome intrusion of unneeded wind energy generators they will have to live with for two decades or more.
The many people who will be subjected to the sights and sounds of the project are unaware just how enormous industrial wind turbines are: total height of about 480’; each turbine base about 15’ in diameter at ground level; turbine blade hub situated about 325’ above the ground (approximately the top of the communications tower behind Minaker’s garage in Milford); each blade 139’; a blade sweep area of about 1.7 acres.
Let me explain what resistance to the White Pines Wind Project is NOT about:
– It is NOT about whether one is ‘for’ or ‘against’ green energy (and I’m generally in favour of it); it is NOT about wpd Canada and its 9-turbine White Pines Wind Project;
– it is NOT about the single mother trying to make ends meet by leasing her property to receive an extra $20,000 or so a year;
– it is NOT about the local construction company desecrating agricultural land and the natural habitat of endangered species;
– and it is NOT about six landowners who will affect the lives of about 550 of their neighbours and friends by hosting the turbines.
– And it certainly is NOT about a bunch of former Toronto activists trying to impose their will on a rural community.
All those examples simply act as the lightning rods for people’s emotions and anger.
So, let’s not shoot the messengers – let’s aim higher.
The town hall meetings, and the march and rally in Picton on October 15th that attracted about 400 people were organized to talk about something much more important: the Green Energy Act (GEA), the draconian legislation that has allowed all the foregoing to happen in the first place.
Some well-qualified legal experts could think of no comparable provincial or federal legislation to the GEA whereby consideration of the rights of a level of government, a municipality, people, or a class of citizens were entirely ignored.
As Jim MacPherson, a former resident of The County and now a guest columnist to the Toronto Sun, wrote in a recent column about the GEA: “Individual property rights were expropriated and local planning authorities were transferred from municipalities to the province. In effect, Ontario proclaimed itself an energy dictatorship.”
An example of what he’s talking about can be evidenced by the seemingly arbitrary (and secretive) decision of the Ontario government allowing the construction of the White Pines project to proceed despite its inability to meet its contracted output of 60 MW.
This is the result of last spring’s ERT decision that removed two-thirds of the turbines from the project. As Terry Young, Vice-President, Conservation & Corporate Relations at Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) explained to me in an email: “As you know, the White Pines Wind Project changed earlier this year through the Environmental Review Tribunal process, reducing the proposed facility size from 59.45 MW to 18.45 MW. Any further information on the revised project should be sought from White Pines.”
The Ontario government has said that the GEA was introduced because rural municipalities were having difficulties with wind projects and wanted the province to create a uniform, level, legislated playing field across the province. There is no supporting evidence in Prince Edward County’s municipal records of any such request.
What the GEA has unleashed on Milford and its 550 surrounding residents and businesses is noise, health issues, environmental problems and severely reduced property values.
– It has created divisiveness between neighbours and friends. It opens the door to the possibility of future IWT projects elsewhere in PEC.
– It has ignored The County’s position as an unwilling host.
– It has allowed threats of legal action from the proponent against those who protest or conduct due diligence exercises regarding the project – including the municipality itself as well as local residents.
As Dalton McGuinty, then leader of the government that introduced the GEA, is alleged to have said about the anger of rural residents to the legislation: “They can’t stay mad at us forever.”
Want a bet?
Steve Ferguson
South Marysburgh
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion • News from Everywhere Else
About the Author:
A brief history of the “badly flawed and dictatorial legislation” that has cost us a fortune.
Don’t count the Liberals out just yet particularly given the other options.
The response from the IESO’s Terry Young strongly suggests to me that they were instructed by someone in the Liberal government to provide approvals for the remaining turbines. Let’s not forget that wpd was reportedly a contributor to the Liberal Party’s last re-election campaign. A foreign-owned company does not do this out of the goodness of its heart – its shareholders expect a return on their investment. Perhaps this permission was a gesture of sympathy after another wpd project near Collingwood was cancelled.
Individuals and groups opposed to turbines in the County, and nearly everywhere else in rural Ontario, have “aimed higher” almost continuously since the 2000s only to be completely ignored by McGuinty and then Wynne. Their actions on IWTs, and other issues, and their refusal to listen to, or discuss them, strongly suggests their contempt for residents of rural Ontario and our concerns.
As we continue to “aim higher” another victim will be Robert Quaiff. Kicking the Liberals to the curb in 2018 is one of our few remaining options.