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White Pines whitewash

Last week I received a response from wpd concerning my letter of serious concern about the devastating effect that its proposed White Pines wind energy project will have on Prince Edward County.
Like all other wpd communications, wpd’s response letter to me and to over 100 other County folk was a whitewash.  It was corporate SPIN.  It was more of the multinational SCAM that the wind industry has been perpetrating on the governments and peoples of many countries.
Paragraph by paragraph, wpd dismisses citizen concerns about the adverse effects that wind factories are having on people and communities.  Legitimate worries about health, wildlife, landscapes, property values, local economy, tourism, and democratic rights are answered only by saying that wpd is following the rules, that the Ministry of Natural Resources approves, and that we are free to appeal to courts or tribunals.
This week I learned that wpd has submitted its project application to MOE. Obviously, the fact that neighbouring County residents voted 90% in opposition to the project does not figure into the business decisions of this good corporate monster, or into the political decisions of its partnering perpetrators in Toronto who authored the Green Energy Act.  This is democracy?
Jim McPherson, Milford

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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  1. David Norman says:

    Gary, never thought or stated otherwise.

  2. Gary Mooney says:

    David, I’m familiar with all of the groups fighting wind turbines in the County and can say with some confidence that none are receiving any funding from corporate Canada or from government agencies or from NGOs. We’re totally grassroots organizations, completely dependent on donations from individuals.

  3. Gary Mooney says:

    David, I’m familiar with all of the groups fighting wind turbines in the County and can say with some confidence that none are receiving any funding from corporate Canada or from government agencies or from NGOs. We’re totally grassroots organizations, completely dependent on donations from individuals.

  4. David Norman says:

    Roy… IWT development companies, in and of themselves, do not characteristically directly fund pro-wind public commentary. That aspect of the debate, and the requisite funding, is distributed through industry associations such as CanWEA and Environmental non profit groups (ENGOs) such as Pembina, Environmental Defence, and Tides Canada. Throw in a few Law firms and Public Relations firms that are struggling for a “market share” and you have the usual sources for this commentary. And, to a lesser extent (unfortunately) anti-wind public commentary receives some indirect support from Capital Investment and Energy production companies that have interests in both fossil fuels and renewables (usually through political donations), who try to shape public perception and subsequently policy in a way that balances their investment portfolios and thus maximizes profits. Guys like me just piss away their time doing this because I have nothing better to do then cater to the deprived emotional needs of the like of Ken Globe.

  5. Mark says:

    Come on Ken how long can you ignore the facts? The damage that IWT”s cause is right in front of your face. Attempts to discredit opposers to this industry is a tactic being used rather than defending the towers with sound evidence.

  6. Roy Thomas says:

    Anyone supporting (or indifferent to) IWTs is funded by IWT companies?
    And anyone that opposes IWTs is funded by oil companies?
    Doesn’t anyone here act on their own?

  7. Ken Globe says:

    Geez Dave, we could say the same thing about the shite you post when someone differs with your opinion.

  8. David Norman says:

    Fridge Concerns… This comment is almost verbatim to one you posted under a different pseudonym on a National Post article several months back. You need to at least paraphrase yourself a bit more… cut and paste is sloppy work. Put some effort into it. Wouldn’t want the Association to cut your funding.

  9. Fridge Concerns says:

    Time to quit drinking the anti-wind coolaid Jim.

    Wind just doesn’t have the impact you claim here… its really pretty benign, dull and boring.

    You should put your nasty vitriol to better use opposing quarries, roads, pipelines, and nuclear waste dumps – all of which pose actual threats to people.

    The sky isn’t going to fall because of a few towers capturing wind energy…

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