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All candidates’ meetings

Municipal Election Day Oct. 27, 2014

The candidates are:

Robert Quaiff
Jeff Goddard
Paul Boyd

Ward 1 Picton (Two to be elected)
Lenny Epstein
Phil St. Jean
Treat Hull
Ray Hobson
Stephanie Bell
Laverne Bailey

Ward 2 Bloomfield (acclaimed)
Barry Turpin

Ward 3 Wellington (One to be elected)
Jim Dunlop
Marilyn Szoldra
Tina Konecny

Ward 4 Ameliasburgh (Three to be elected)
Rachael Tracey
Nick Nowitski
Roy Pennell
Janice Maynard
Tim Fellows
Diane O’Brien

Ward 5 Athol (One to be elected)
Tim Vanhecke
Jamie Forrester
Stan Grizzle

Ward 6 Hallowell (Two to be elected)
Keith MacDonald
Brad Nieman
Kathryn Noxon
Gordon Fox

Ward 7 Hillier (One to be elected)
Alec Lunn
Steve Graham

Ward 8 N. Marysburgh (One to be elected)
Ronald Hendrikx
David Harrison

Ward 9 S. Marysburgh (One to be elected)
Kyle Douglas Mayne
Steve Ferguson

Ward 10 Sophiasburgh (Two to be elected)
Bill Roberts
Terry Shortt
Kevin Gale

Public School Trustee Wards 3,4,7, 10
Jennifer Cobb

Public School Trustee Wards 1,2,5,6,8,9
Dwayne Inch

English Language Separate School Board Trustee
Gavin Cosgrove
Kirk Romany
Catharina Summers

French Language Separate School Board Trustee
Dianne Burns

French Language Public School Board Trustee
Robert Comeau
Rachel Laforest

Here’s what happened in 2010:

Of the 21,351 eligible voters, 10,598 cast a ballot for a 49.63 per cent turnout for the county – much improved over the 39.4 per cent in the 2006 election.
(* elected)

*Peter Mertens 3496
Sandy Latchford 2328
Monica Alyea 1832
Lori Slik 1203
Gord Fox 1075
Paul Boyd 594

Picton: (2 elected)
*Bev Campbell 655
* Brian Marisett 561
Laverne Bailey 526
Don Ward 353
Paul Morris 288
Richard Rowe 237
Doris Lane 140

Bloomfield: (1 elected)
*Barry Turpin 175
Phil St.-Jean 128

Wellington (1 elected)
*Jim Dunlop 827
Bill Boultbee 305

Ameliasburgh (3 elected)
*Janice Maynard 1462
*Dianne O’Brien 1306
*Nick Nowitski 930
Kathy Vowinckel 714

Athol (1 elected)
*Jamie Forrester 399
Paul Johnson 260

Hallowell (2 elected)
*Heather Campbell 987
*Keith MacDonald 644
Richard Parks 582
Knowlton Hunter 277
Scott Johnston 185

Hillier (1 elected)
*Alec Lunn 436
Peggy Burris 370

North Marysburgh (1 elected)
*Robert Quaiff 418
Ray Best 256
Chris Billard 77

South Marysburgh (1 elected)
*Barb Proctor 305
Duncan Fischer 119
Ray Hobson 79
Sandy Blackford 43
Jack Dall 26
Erin Johnston 22

Sophiasburgh (2 elected)
*Kevin Gale 592
*Terry Shortt 537
John Thompson 463
Kristien Buikema 113

Trustee Hastings & PE School Board Wards 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9
Dwayne Inch (acclaimed)

Trustee Hastings & PE School Board Wards 3, 4, 7, 10
*Jennifer Cobb 2386
Harry Marissen 966
Rick Langstaff 697

Trustee French Language Public Board
Marc Bissonnette 23
Frederic Tremblay 5

Trustee French Language Catholic Board
Andre Ouellette acclaimed

Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic School Board
Paul Candon 268
Greg Speagle 249

Question on the ballot: Are you in favour of council commencing a public consultation process to review the size of council for the County of Prince Edward?
Yes 7569
No 1798

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Jack says:

    My concern with Mt Bailey. In an open forum on a contentious issue a few years ago I asked him a question. When voting on an issue , do you vote on what appears to be what the majority of your voters desire or on your own personal opinion. He answered on my own personal opinion.

  2. Gary says:

    Marnie, weren’t you opposed to Industrial Wind Turbines? Didn’t you support a reduction in the size of Council? Now you support a candidate with opposite views? Do you see the disconnect here?

  3. Emily says:

    How do you know that his rivals are not as much in touch or even more so Marnie? Does change frighten you? Is it easier for you to continue to complain than entertain new ideas?

  4. Marnie says:

    Emily, what if some of us do not agree with you? The last thing we need is a council of newbies groping their way into the political arena for a year or two. We need balance not a clean sweep. Laverne has had experience and has shown a sincere interest in the county through the years. You have no proof that a new council will cure all that is wrong in the county today. Some things well may be beyond local control.If some of the senior members of council are returned to office it will be because some of us value their experience and respect their input. If ratepayers uniformly share your discontent then we will see a clean sweep. Laverne is far more in touch with what best serves the interests of the ordinary county resident than some of his rivals.

  5. Emily says:

    I was disappointed in you declining to meet with the public along with the other 5 candidates last Monday. It stood out like a sore thumb.

    I will be at Books & Co. And hope you show. I have a couple of questions for you about Industrial Wind Factories, Council size and the unsustainable water & wastewater fees in Picton.

    I do not dislike you Laverne as you are not easy to dislike (not that, that should be a decision maker) I just feel that you have had your opportunity and it is time for new representation for Picton with new ideas and approaches. I also disagree with your position on wind and council size.

  6. Laverne Bailey says:

    Emily I am not hiding or avoiding Picton residents. I am in town 7 days a week talking to ratepayers of the town and other wards.

    Yes I will be at Book & Co. on Oct 16th, hope that you will be there to speak to me face to face and not hide behind a computer to degrade a County citizen that has devoted a lot of time to seniors and people that need help or guidance.

    Emily I am not going to get into a computer word war, I just want honest common sense government.

    If you want to be serious about new councillors and new faces find the candidate that wants more entrepreneurship and small business, when in 2013 he was a supporter to stop Lake on the Mountain restaurant expansion to the OMB level, do your homework and not condemn the people who support the County from birth to death.

  7. Emily says:

    It’s a strong film and well produced. The business people feel unsupported by Council. They see an out of touch and dysfunctional Council. They see waste such as spending multi millions on firehalls when alternatives could have been realized. This is concerning as they do not display confidence for the future. I fear that we could see the old guard re-elected without looking carefully at the alternatives. I support a new direction of more new councilors with an opportunity to bring their fresh ideas and energy forward. Led by the experience of Mr.Quaiff it could very well provide us a turning point. The decision is ours where we go.

  8. Wolf Braun says:

    Gary: “Gary called him out and he ran like scat!”

    Gary M. didn’t call me out.

    Nor did I run like scat. It is Thanksgiving weekend and there is family time that’s more important than debating with you and others. Perhaps I should not have concerned myself with the death of my former FIL who passed away at age 97 this past week.

    I did view the video. It does tell an accurate story. I know each of the people interviewed in the video personally. I know their backgrounds in detail. I also know both people in Part 2 video. Each of the business owners in the videos understand the value of Purpose and Principles in running their businesses.

    I wish I could say the same about people on council and those running for Council. They have no such understnding of the value of Purpose and Principles.

    Residents of PEC are going to be even more frustrated with the new Council after this election. The debt problem is not going to go away with the new Council. It will only get worse. The business people in the video already know this.

  9. Emily says:

    Perhaps Mr.Bailey would like to chime in. Oh, I forgot he declines to speak directly to the Picton voters. Where is Laverne??? Hoping to get back in a Shire Hall chair. And his purpose would be??

  10. Gary says:

    Yes, but I suggest you direct those questions to Wolf as he knows all except perhaps how low income families can survive in this model. Privilege is not entitlement to rule one’s ideas and beliefs whether they have a purpose and principle or not. Gary called him out and he ran like scat! Good luck Paul.

  11. Paul says:

    So you understand deficits accumulated over time = ??? Gary

  12. Paul says:

    By the way Emily your link does work all everyone needs to do (Gary and Wolf) is right click on the link and select Open in new window.. 😉

  13. Gary says:

    I most definitely watched the video. Well produced. I only asked Wolf why he threw one year numbers at you in a demeaning manner.

  14. Paul says:

    Wolf Gary did you two fellows even watch the video are were you unable to understand how to navigate to the youtube url ? In the video a $45 million debt is referred to at the very end of the video.

  15. Paul says:

    No I never said that Banned, what is it with people on this site twisting words. Maybe I should have been clearer. There was a shift years ago when wineries first came here a shift towards focusing on the tourist industry. The tourist/retirement community thing isn’t working

  16. Wolf Braun says:

    The numbers speak for themselves if one takes the time to read them and understand them. Government accounting is very different than corporate accounting.

  17. Emily says:

    The Times reports that Picton candidate and North Marysburgh resident Laverne Bailey declined to participate in last Mondays all candidate meeting. I wonder if he has a good reason to avoid meeting with the Picton constituents. All we know is he has been there before, will not oppose wind factories and is satisfied with the current number of councillors. I only hope that Picton can send some new blood to the horseshoe.

  18. Gary says:

    What is your “purpose” in saying Paul needs to read and try to understand the numbers? Are you implying he may have difficulty?

  19. Banned, I guess says:


    So you’re essentially saying that you believe the County’s budget problem is to blame on the wineries?

    Its easy to point the finger at something you have an irrational disdain for and blame them for all the problems.

  20. Paul says:

    I watched the video Emily, I think the problems in this County began long before the present Councils mandate. Those poor winery owners they got it tough come to think of it that $45 million deficit seems to have started to accumulate right around the time wineries started in the County…hmmmmm

  21. Emily says:

    Sorry, my link failed!

    Just go to Youtube and type in “Shire Consequences Part 1”

  22. Gary Mooney says:

    Good news! There will be all-candidates meetings in 3 of the remaining 4 Wards:
    * Sophiasburgh on Mon, Oct 20.
    * Hallowell on Tue, Oct 21.
    * South Marysburgh on Tue, Oct 21.

    I think the dates are correct, but I don’t have any further details.

  23. Gary says:

    Keep working on your “PP” Wolf. Lol. I like the fact that Gary has had success in identifying candidates positions on some issues. I found it particularly interesting to find out who would do nothing to oppose wind factories and also those who supported raising taxes 20 percent over the next 4 years.

  24. Wolf Braun says:

    Gary: “Wolf, you’re the purpose and principles guy, so I’m leaving it to you to flush them out. How about reporting some of the candidates’ responses here on CountyLive?”

    If I have more luck than I am with you then ‘sure’. 🙂

  25. Gary Mooney says:

    Wolf, you’re the purpose and principles guy, so I’m leaving it to you to flush them out. How about reporting some of the candidates’ responses here on CountyLive?

  26. Wolf Braun says:

    Gary: “Finally, I’m doing a number of things intended to get the best possible Council elected. What are you doing?”

    You are flushing out “issues”.

    What you are not doing is flushing out how the candidates will handle those issues based on any kind of principles. Without knowing what principles our elected officials and staff will follow in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in goals, strategies, etc. you really won’t be able to measure much.

    Me, I’m attending candidate meetings, as well as one-to-one encounters, and asking the Mayors/Councilors what guiding principles/precepts they will be guided by when making tough decisions on our behalf.

    What principles do you look for when speaking with candidates?

  27. Gary Mooney says:

    Wolf, where to start? Of 29 participants in the survey, 21 are not current Councillors, so their views are not known. Current Councillors’ past views may be known in only two of the nine issues/policy topics, but may have changed over the Council term.

    Of the 11,000 electors who will vote, less than 1000 will attend an all-candidates meeting. I’m providing the other 10,000 with information to compare the candidates.

    Participating candidates will be on record regarding the nine issues/policy questions. During the Council term, taxpayers will be able to call them out on differences between how they vote vs what they indicated in the survey.

    Finally, I’m doing a number of things intended to get the best possible Council elected. What are you doing?

  28. Emily says:

    The two old North Marsburgh fellows, Harrison and Bailey have both stated that they are satisfied with the current Councul size. And neither will oppose wind factories. Now doesn’t that provide us some real confidence and hope for the future. Hmmmm.

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