Year in Review in photos – August 2018
Administrator | Jan 03, 2019 | Comments 0
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Year in Review in photos – August 2018
The quest to right vandalized headstones and monuments got a healthy boost as the 100 People Who Care PEC group presented $11,000 worth of cheques to Picton’s Glenwood Cemetery. Four times a year, each member of the group brings (or sends) a $100 cheque to a meeting and, if they wish, the name of a worthy charity. The charity chosen at the meeting receives all the cheques. Membership currently numbers 110. People Who Care PEC representatives (front) Richard Byers, Mark Davis, Judy Fraser Saunders and David Fox presented $11,000 to Glenwood Cemetery, as the charity of choice nominated by Chris Rogers (back, left) with Glenwood treasurer Fergus Miller and chair Sandy Latchford. – Sue Capon photo
Work on the Bay of Quinte Skyway Bridge on Highway 49 is set to begin this month and continue into late fall. Rehabilitation work underneath the bridge will be completed along with electrical work in preparation for installation of temporary traffic signals in 2019. The $40 million-plus rehabilitation of the bridge is to take place over six years. The entire cost is to be borne by the provincial government. Built in 1967, the structure exhibits substantial deterioration, particularly to the bridge deck, piers, and steel girders. The structure does not meet current design standards for shoulder width and traffic barriers.
Community residents attending an information session on the proposed new development for 337 park model trailer sites at Quinte’s Isle Campark forced an impromptu change from one-on-one chats with consultants to an open discussion where everybody could hear questions and answers on an Official Plan and zoning amendment that could see land at Quinte’s Isle re-designated from rural, to a shoreland designation to permit seasonal camping at 337 park model trailer sites on the proposed ‘Pebble Beach East’. – Sue Capon photo
A hot and humid air mass moved into southern Ontario with daytime values of 31 degrees and higher with humidex values near 40. The Sandbanks’ Dunes, Outlet and Lakeshore beach day use areas reached capacity and had to close for a few hours each afternoon. – Sue Capon photo
A Royal Canadian Air Force Griffon helicopter crew assisted a stranded boater and dog off the shore of Prince Edward County. Assistance from Canadian Coast Guard Cape Hearn and Coast Guard Auxiliary Wellington Rescue was initially requested when the sailboat first ran around. The vessel refloated and was able to continue on its journey when it ran aground a second time close to Point Petre. Very shallow waters prevented a safe marine rescue. Both the sailor and his dog were flown to a nearby location where the Ontario Provincial Police was standing by for assistance.

On two of hottest days of the year about a dozen intrepid and enthusiastic participants joined members of the South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) on a South Shore Stroll. The stroll was held to educate participants about the biodiversity of the South Shore by walking the northern boundary of the South Shore Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) along Army Reserve Road and Hilltop Road. “Slowing down allows us to see more and get a real feeling for the wonder of the place,” said Chery Anderson, organizer. – Helene Tremblay photo
All things said to be good for the gut drew a large crowd at Picton’s Crystal Palace. In similar style to last year’s inaugural event, Ontario Fermentation Festival visitors explored fermented products like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, cheese, kefir, tempeh, kvass, pickles, vinegar, spirits, beer, malt, wine, cider, mead, sourdough bread, nut cheeses, and cured meats. “People are becoming increasingly interested in fermented foods and gut health. We want to celebrate the great diversity of fermented foods we offer in this province and also draw attention to the fact that there are many Ontario made options for fermented foods and drink,” said Jenna Empey, co-organizer with Alex Currie. – Olivia Timm photo

Consecon celebrated its community with a day full of festivities and activities – but mostly a time to enjoy relax and enjoy what the village has to offer. Consecon Day is held annually on the first Saturday of the August long weekend, says community member Beverley Marr who was helping out with the used book sale, run by the Friends of the Ameliasburgh and Consecon Library. – Sarah Law photo

Wildlife control officer Tiffany Empey with Stephen Hawking at Quinte Conservation’s Wild About Wildlife Day in Wellington. Empey works with Falcon Environmental Services which use hawks and falcons to clear airports of other birds. Families gathered in Wellington to meet Hawking, Dante the falcon, learn about native reptiles and maybe hold or touch a snake. They were also invited to learn about water, bugs and native flowers. The event was hosted by Quinte Conservation staff and summer students focusing on interactive activities exploring nature. – Sue Capon photo
Rain quickly turned into sunshine for the sold-out ‘Fundraiser in the Fields’ in support of The County Food Hub project. The fields at Parsons Brewing Co., were lined with vendors serving up food, drinks and fun to about 200 guests, while inside the rustic brewery was a silent auction. Proceeds are earmarked for The County Food Hub – a shared commercial kitchen space proposed to not only keep rural Sophiasburgh Central school open, but also give food businesses a space to create and store their products. Mike Farrell, president of the Food Hub board and co-chair of the steering committee, noted appreciation for the support of the Food Hub. – Olivia Timm photo
Volunteers under a unique County ad-hoc committee are taking over the rehabilitation of the Millennium Trail, cancelling an over-budget tender. Commissioner of Engineering, Development and Works Robert McAuley said establishment of an ad-hoc committee brings the project closer to fruition, notitng the group has already demonstrated it can put an equal number of kilometres together at a substantially reduced cost compared to what tenders have demonstrated. Barry Davidson, founder of the PEC Trails Committee, will lead the charge. He spearheaded the first project by Wellington Rotary in 2012 that cleaned up an 11km portion.

More than 120 years ago, summer picnics were conducted a little differently to those we enjoy today – but the spirit of gathering has not changed. Games formed much of the fun back in the 1890s along with delicious, simple food. The Friends of Sandbanks hosted a second Lakeshore Lodge Day this month on the grounds beside the footprint of the once-grand Lakeshore Lodge, at West Point. Two events were held this year to help celebrate Ontario Parks’ 125th anniversary. The afternoon’s events were inspired by the activities of the 1890s as many park staff dressed in appropriate-era clothing and hosted early 19th-century games. – Sharon Harrison photo

Supporters of the fourth annual Teeing Up Fore Health Care golf classic held in June scored a hole-in-one raising $27,696 for the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Foundation. Realtors at RE/MAX Quinte Ltd. in Prince Edward County teed up support to improve care patients receive at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital by directing the proceeds from the tournament toward the Hospital Foundation’s current campaign for medical equipment, specifically for the purchase of two ventilators used in the emergency department. This year’s achievement brings the four-year total raised through RE/MAX’s efforts to just over $94,000 – bringing the mercury in the thermometer outside the Lake Street office to $233,696. RE/MAX has committed to raising $250,000 for medical equipment needs at the County’s hospital. From left, at RE/MAX, Kristen Rutgers, Colin Henden, Christine Henden, Kevin Gale, Joseph Day, Sean McKinney, Briar Boyce with the PECMH Foundation, and Herb Pliwischkies.

At the unveiling of the 2018 PEC Country Music Hall of Fame inductees banner were Renie Thompson and Archie Wright, with Judy Fraser Saunders, representing her dad, Bud Gregory, and Lorain Sine. The four local music legends were inducted into Prince Edward County Country Music Hall of Fame at the annual induction ceremony – part of the Prince Edward County Country Music Jamboree held in Cherry Valley, organized by Greg and Shane Verner of MillPond Music & Entertainment. – Sharon Harrison photo
Prince Edward Collegiate Institute has been fully inspected and cleaned and teachers are busily setting up for the first Kindergarten to Grade 12 school year. Kerry Donnell, Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board communications officer, confirmed teachers began moving in and will have classrooms ready to welcome students on the first day of school. The work included the renovation of the elementary wing to create four kindergarten classrooms, three special education rooms and two primary classrooms along with a second elevator and a new accessible washroom. The second floor of the school will be elementary classrooms with new flooring, ceilings, whiteboards and a fresh paint job. The main gymnasium will have a new floor, a new P.A. system will go in among other upgrades to mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. Outside the school, Kindergarten and elementary students will enjoy their own separate, fenced playgrounds. The parking lot has been completely redone, featuring a new bus loop and new paving. Ballpark costs for PECI’s renovations sit around $3.4 million.

Premier Doug Ford announced the return of ‘Buck a Beer’ at Barley Days Brewery on Loyalist Parkway, with Bay of Quinte MPP Todd Smith, Government House Leader, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance and Barley Days Brewery general manager Kyle Baldwin. Some protesters lined up on the highway and filled the entrance to the brewery shouting “shame on you” and carried placards on multiple issues they believe demand more attention than beer – such a poverty, sex education and climate change. There was also a crowd there to thank Smith and Ford for the cancellation of the wpd industrial wind turbine project. – Sue Capon photo
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