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You may hear gunfire and explosives

Exercise Stalwart Guardian. - Photo 4Cdn Div JTFC

Exercise Stalwart Guardian. – Photo 4Cdn Div JTFC

Residents of Picton and surrounding areas should be advised that soldiers from Garrison Petawawa will be conducting Canadian Armed Forces routine training in Picton and surrounding areas from Sept. 9-11 and 14-18. During these times, the public may hear noises from simulated ammunition and explosives.

Daphny Gebhart-Turcotte, Public Affairs Officer with Garrison Petawawa, said all training will be limited to daylight hours and all efforts will be made to keep disruption to residents at a minimum.

The 4th Canadian Division (4 Cdn Div) is responsible to provide combat ready land forces in accordance with assigned tasks, conduct general purpose training in preparation for various land operations and provide support services to other organizations as directed or as mutually arranged. It includes all regular and reserve force units in Ontario, with the exception of a portion of North Western Ontario, which falls under 3 Canadian Division (3 Cdn Div).

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. Emily says:

    Mulcair said that the Tories peeing in coffee cups was “trickle” down economics.

  2. Chuck says:

    Well he is desperate. Of course someone who controls absolutely everything in the PMO’s office would know nothing about the Duffy payout! The smoke & mirrors of a sound financial manager while delivering 8 consecutive deficits. He looks off balance, off key. Perhaps someone peeed in his coffee cup. LOl

  3. Safety First says:

    Don’t start with the false-flag BS. This isn’t Drudge Report.

  4. Ryan says:

    Calm down people, training is routine. There is not war mongering going on, or conspiracy theory, it’s routine training. It has always been done, and will continue. Pro Patria.

  5. Lucas says:

    They must be traing for the potential of war following a pre-election false flag terrorism event. A desperate Harper will stop at nothing to retain power.

  6. Robert Whitstone says:

    Why are we training already trained soldiers here in Canada, when NATO has some serious issues going on overseas witch Canada could be taking a bigger part in. I understand that we are not a warmongering Country but there’s a difference when there are high priority’s at stake.

  7. Richard says:

    Oh no watch out for the turtles

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