$25,000 down the drain with citizens’ assembly report
Administrator | Oct 16, 2013 | Comments 0
I can’t believe our councilors paid $25,000 of our hard earned tax dollars for a Citizens Assembly report.
Two of its members, Kathy Vowinckel and Bill McMahon made deputations in opposition to the CA’s recommendation, effectively, helping to cancel out their report. I believe in freedom of speech but if ALL or MOST of us had taken the time to participate in this discussion, if we had asked council to actually have a true debate as to why some councilors were so adamantly opposed to positive change, if we had asked council to think of what was best for the County and not what was best for themselves like keeping their jobs, perhaps the $25,000 would have provided us with a plan that all of us could have agreed upon.
As it stands, nothing has been achieved, the issue is dead, $25,000 has been thrown away when it could have helped many organizations in the County and our councilors have kept their coveted jobs in order to continue to make similar mistakes.
Shame on us all. I guess you get what you vote or as in this case, NOT!
Lynne Rochon, Athol.
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion
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