Alan R. Capon first to receive prestigious William Mercer Wilson Medal
Administrator | Nov 05, 2012 | Comments 3

The William Mercer Wilson Medal presentation was made by D. Garry Dowling, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, shown here at left, with recipient Alan R. Capon and Judge (Ret) George Inrig, who is a past Grand Officer and sole honourary life member of the Prince Edward Lodge.
Prince Edward Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, No. 18, celebrated a milestone last week with the first ever presentation of the prestigious William Mercer Wilson Medal for Meritorious Service to Alan R. Capon
The historic presentation was made at the Lodge on Thursday, Nov. 1 by D. Garry Dowling, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. The Grand Master was accompanied by nine Grand Lodge officers. About 85 Masons from the district attended a black tie banquet and reception honouring Capon with the medal that commemorates the name of the first Grand Master.
Capon is the 240th Mason in Ontario to receive the distinction since the first award was made in 1945.
“The wearer of this medal will be one who has fully earned the esteem and respect of his brethren for good work, well done,” said Dowling. “The medal is awarded to a brother who has rendered service far beyond the call of duty. Each brother has had to demonstrate outstanding loyalty and dedication to the craft and his community and has received the endorsement of his peers.”
“There are, in any organization, men who go about their duty in a quiet and efficient manner; men who without courting applause or recognition, delight in serving their lodge, their church and their community without pretence or thought of reward,” Dowling said, quoting from an address by Donald H. Mumby, Grand Master in 2004. “They are modest men who, when given the recognition they richly deserve, cannot understand why anyone would make a fuss over them. None of them has ever been a senior lodge officer, yet each is dedicated to the furtherance of Freemasonry and the well being of humanity. It is to men such as these that this highest honour in Freemasonry – the William Mercer Wilson Medal – is awarded.”
Capon writes a weekly newspaper column and is the author of more than 20 books, many of them about Prince Edward County, including the history of Prince Edward Lodge, “Upon the Level, by the Square”
He is a past secretary of Prince Edward Lodge and presently the Lodge Historian.
In “Upon the Level, by the Square,” Capon stated that 200 years ago “the brethren met on every Thursday preceding the full moon of each calendar month; and in winter from 6-9 p.m. Lodge met on the night of the full moon so that members, many of whom travelled miles to attend, had a clear, bright night so that they were able to see their way home.”
Today, the Masons still meet on Thursday evenings.
Freemasonry is the oldest fraternity in the world and continues to attract men who seek harmony and fellowship with their fellow men – men “who live with love and care, upon the Level, by the Square.”
Filed Under: Local News
About the Author:
Congratulations Al on receiving the William Mercer Wilson Award.Thank you also for keeping us so well informed about the history of Prince Edward County. You are indeed a gentleman and a scholar.
Congratulations Al. I am sorry that I could not be available to see you receive the William Mercer Award but my thoughts were with you on the evening. I know no one more deserving of this award,. Congratulations. I happened to be in Cuba for the last ten days and just got back last night. Once again, well done. Dave
Congratulations Alan for a JOB well done on behave of the County.(and also Branch #78 Picton Legion).
Well deserved.