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Aniston is the woman who made Vince Vaughan seem dull

It’s always more fun to write a bad review than a good one and so I’m totally indulging myself this week by tearing into my least favourite actress, Jennifer Aniston.
The Bounty Hunter is as bad a romantic comedy as I’ve seen Failure to Launch as that’s no small accomplishment.
My favourite part of any Jennifer Aniston film is where she gets linked romantically to her leading man in the film du jour, but on screen they have absolutely no chemistry. In this case, it’s Gerard Butler who is apparently a good-looking dude. His name in the movie is Milo. I thought that needed to mentioned since they went out of their way to come up with it.
If for the sake of argument they really are involved, don’t you think some of that, a little of that, even a hint of that, would spill over onto the screen?
Don’t forget this is the woman who made Vince Vaughan seem dull.
So I think for the sake of argument I should give the plot summary. I’m not making any of this up to make it seem more ridiculous.
He’s a former cop with a gambling habit who is now a bounty hunter. Rumour has it he got kicked off the force because his problems escalated when he got divorced. He missed her. Oh oh, do I see an inevitable fall in love again by spending time with her scene? What do you think?
She’s a reporter trying to crack a murder case. She’s so caught up in the case that she misses a court date for a traffic violation. The judge decides she needs to be taught a lesson so enter the bounty hunter hired to bring her in. Apparently Dog was busy.
Are you still with me? She’s wanted for a minor traffic violation.
So it’s on. For the sake of the lack of action in this movie, he tracks her down quickly but far enough away that they have time to be chased by bad guys, have hijinks on the road and of course, fall in love all over again.
I do find it interesting that Woodward and Bernstein brought down an entire American administration, without so much as a punch thrown by Nixon or his boys, but the reporter Nocole is wanted by the law and the lawless. That’s some serious reporting.
Butler can act. His resume is impressive in between pieces of crap like The Ugly Truth and PS I Love You. Everyone needs a paycheque so I suppose it’s no big mystery why he took this role.
The real mystery is why it had to run for 110 minutes before they got to the place we all knew they were going.
It’s really embarrassing. It’s not the first time I wished I was wearing a paper bag while I watched a movie, but it was the first time the theatre didn’t have Kit Kat Club in the name. Just kidding.
The Bounty Hunter the film is as tedious as the TV series. There’s nothing going on in either and if there was truth in advertising, the poster would say: “You’ve seen the preview, now skip the movie.”
I would rather watch someone take a bus trip to Smith Falls than sit through this again but that’s just me – and if you, if you’re smart.
As always, other opinions are welcome, but wrong. That’s it for this week. The cheque’s in the mail and I’m outta here. Paul.

Filed Under: Paul Peterson


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