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Arts Council applauds significant contributions

Prince Edward County Arts Council  members applauded the awarding of Volunteer Recognition Citations to Carrie Taylor and Geoff Webb, of Black Prince Winery, and long-time volunteers Evelyn and Doug Sloane. PECAC chairman Judy Kent, presented awards hand-crafted by Mark Armstrong, of Armstrong Glassworks, and framed certificates. Sue Capon photo

Vice-chairman Deelia Evans outlined the members’ significant contributions to arts in Prince Edward County.
“To say the Sloanes are exceptional volunteers would be an understatement,” Evans said.  They have been involved with the arts for many decades including the arts council, Art in the County and PECAC’s Written Word Committee.  They also initiated the annual Scenes of Sandbanks art show and sale which provides artists a showcase for their work, and raises funds for Sandbanks Provincial Park and environmental programs.
“In 2008, Doug and Evelyn, in conjunction with Black Prince Winery initiated a fall art show and sale called The Art of Flight,” Evans said. “The show added another County partner, the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory, with the funds from the Art of Flight going to support the fall migration monitoring of the Northern Saw-whet Owls at Prince Edward Point…PECAC is proud to recognize Doug and Evelyn Sloane for their volunteer contribution to the quality of life in the County and for their lifelong support of the arts. Beyond the arts events, Doug and Evelyn contribute thousands of volunteer hours for many other County organizations, including Friends of the Picton Library, The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario and The Festival of Trees.
The PECAC also honoured the major contribution to the arts made by Black Prince Winery and its staff (Geoff Webb, owner, Carrie Taylor, marketing, and Jennifer Sturgeon, Martin Sunderland, Gudrun Gallo and Vanessa Pandos and president Rd de Courcy Ireland).
“Since opening in 2003, Black Prince Winery has been a model corporate citizen in its support for the arts in Prince Edward County,” said Evans. “Black Prince Winery has sponsored all of Prince Edward County Arts Council signature events: Art in the County, Jazz Festival, Music Festival, Studio and Gallery Tour and Maker’s Hand. In addition, since fall 2007, Black Prince has hosted the Scenes of Sandbanks and Beyond , and since Spring 2008, the Art of Flight.  The Art Cellar is available for individual artists and other groups. New this year, a special partnership with Arts on Main Gallery, Black Prince, and PECAC will see more than 20 artists take their creativity to the streets of Picton July 31st with a silent auction of their work taking place in the Art Cellar Gallery and continuing until August 1st. Proceeds of the sales from this show will go to Alternatives For Women.
“Black Prince has developed an Art Series of wine labels to include The Studio and Gallery Tour, Art in the County, Paint the County, Scenes of Sandbanks and Beyond, and the Art of Flight. These wines are available at the winery throughout the summer and will help promote both County artists and the arts.
“Black Prince Winery also supports other arts organizations such as Artevino, sponsored this year by Quinte Arts Council and PECAC; the Kingston Writer’s Festival; The Kingston Film Festival; and the Toronto Film Festival to name a few.
“The Prince Edward County Arts Council has the pleasure of recognizing the major contribution to the arts made by Black Prince Winery and its exceptional staff.”

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bryan, Bella LaVille. Bella LaVille said: RT @stratosphear: RT @Rosehall_Run: Congrats Black Prince Winery for Outstanding contribution to PEC Arts Community […]

  2. I am so thrilled these people have been recognized for their “above and beyond” contribution to our Community. I have so many reasons to be thankful for their hard work and dedication to the arts.

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