All Entries Tagged With: "Prince Edward Arts Council"

County will continue to meet challenges in 2014: Mayor
Prince Edward County council welcomes the new year with continued focus on financial matters, improving infrastructure and services while “shielding taxpayers from further increases”. Mayor Peter Mertens reflected on the past year and plans for 2014 at the County’s New Year’s Levee, Sunday at the Community Centre in Picton. “It was challenging to come up […]

Aidan Haley’s work named The Peoples’ Choice
Bev Skidmore sponsors the Peoples’ Choice Award. As Aidan Haley was unable to attend the presentation, she was photographed standing between an excellent rendition of Haley painted by John Gregg and Haley’s People’s Choice 2011 painting titled The Precariousness of Living on’The Rock. The people have spoken and Picton’s Aidan Haley was named the 2011 […]

Awards honour aspiring artists
The Prince Edward County Arts Council and Picton Kiwanis Club honoured two young women who will be pursuing secondary education in the arts. Gabrielle Graham-Stevens, a resident of Picton who graduated from Centennial Secondary School, received the Prince Edward County Arts Council award for visual and performing arts/arts administration. She was introduced by Mary Tucker of […]

The Stone Carvers named ‘must read’ book of the year
CHEERS! from The Written Word Committee of the PEC Arts Council to Norma Currah who championed Jane Urquhart’s book The Stone Carvers, as the winner of the 2011 County Reads competition. “Again, this year, the voting was close with only three votes separating the first and second titles,” notes Anne Preston. The books this year […]

Arts Council launches new visual identity
The Prince Edward Arts Council has launched a new logo and visual identity to better represent the diversity and creativity of the arts in the County. Following a call for entry, an independent review panel assessed the submissions and made recommendations to the PECAC board of directors. The winning logo was submitted by local area […]

Plenty of dazzle at Maker’s Hand
The Maker’s Hand festival of fine craft contains everything you would imagine, a lot you would never imagine and even the kitchen sink – albeit that sink is a magnificent creation from natural stone. The 7th annual show and sale is hosted by the Prince Edward Arts Council this weekend at the Prince Edward Community […]

Artists and galleries opened their doors this weekend
Artists and Galleries in the 17th annual Prince Edward County Studio Tour will open their doors to thousands of visitors for three days, over the weekend of Sept. 17 – 19th. More than 100 artists participate in the tour, at 34 locations. “This is a really exciting way to meet the artists plus explore the […]

Streetfest and Countystock Paint the County fun!
Picton was alive with arts, entertainment and bursting with bargains all day Saturday and well into the evening. The Picton Business Improvement Association’s Streetfest featured an artisan market, street performers, clowns and musicians throughout the downtown area. For the first time, Paint the County added a festival atmosphere as about 20 local artists were at […]

Art in the County exhibits artists’ finest works
Don Pinder has been “hanging around” Prince Edward County’s prestigious Art in the County show and sale for the past 17 years, helping organize, set up and display the fine art event since its inception. Art in the County opens Friday morning and is always a highlight of the summer season, last year attracting some […]

Arts Council applauds significant contributions
Prince Edward County Arts Council members applauded the awarding of Volunteer Recognition Citations to Carrie Taylor and Geoff Webb, of Black Prince Winery, and long-time volunteers Evelyn and Doug Sloane. PECAC chairman Judy Kent, presented awards hand-crafted by Mark Armstrong, of Armstrong Glassworks, and framed certificates. Sue Capon photo