Bounty of County names and scenes at Vintage Waupoos show
Administrator | Feb 14, 2019 | Comments 0
The third annual Waupoos Vintage Photo Show will see the unveiling of new additions to the ‘Waupoos Town Hall Vintage Photo Collection’, Sunday at the North Marysburgh Hall.
It features enlarged and framed copies of rare and valuable photos being donated for permanent display on the walls of the North Marysburgh Recreation Centre by local historian John Lyons, other private collectors and others generously willing to share their treasures depicting the history of Waupoos.

SS #6, Waupoos
The afternoon will also feature a dedication of the collection by North Marysburgh County councillor Stewart Bailey. Guest speaker historian Marc Seguin will be making a presentation, offer book signing and sale of his latest book ‘The Cruise of The Breeze’ about a visit by this yacht and crew visit to Waupoos, in 1863.
Lyons will also display some documents from his personal collection – including news stories from the 1930s that list many County names – including winners of the 1931 North Marysburgh School agricultural Fair, that was held in Waupoos, that year.
“Students from all of North Marysburgh’s 12 ‘one-room’ schoolhouses would have participated. I don’t know how may that would be, in total, as only the prize winner’s names are listed,” said Lyons. “There are literally hundreds of surnames, of North Marysburgh families, whose children won prizes, in dozens of different categories. Anyone with parents, grandparents or great-grandparents who were going to public school in North Marysburgh in 1931, would be interested in seeing this item.”
Lyons notes the artifacts are a testament to the rural way of life then.
“It’s quite eye-opening,” he adds.
He also has an article from a July 19, 1938 Picton Gazette article announcing that the S.S. #6 Waupoos four-page, student newspaper, the ‘Waupoos Pow-Wow’, had won first place, in a ‘Best Student Newspaper’, in the entire County, in a contest sponsored by the Picton Times, and judged by G. George McCullagh, Editor of ‘Canada’s National Newspaper’, the Toronto Globe and Mail.
“I also have seven S.S. #6 Waupoos-related articles, dating from the announcement of the contest, in February 1938, to the announcement of the winner, in July of 1938 and a copy of the winning newspaper itself, printed as a supplement to the Feb. 15th issue of the Picton Times, all in one binder. Again, a lot of Waupoos area family names are listed, as staff and contributors to the paper.
He will also show S.S. #6 Waupoos graduation class lists that were published annually in both the Picton Gazette and the Picton Times.
“I have about 17 different ones, and counting, that date from the early 1900s, to the school’s closing in 1967, and even a few from the later North Marysburgh Centennial Central School.
Everybody welcome to the North Marysburgh Recreation Centre 2699 County Road 8, on the first day of Ontario Heritage Week, from 1-4 p.m.
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