Bridge and ‘barely a bridge’ work approved
Administrator | Jul 25, 2023 | Comments 0
Following debate to put off the project for one year, a $1.5 million tender contract was awarded to Nuroad Construction Ltd., the lower of two bids to rehabilitate the Loyalist Parkway Bridge. The other tender came in at $2.3 million.
In its tender review report, HP Engineering advised the County may not have received fully competitive bids, and could consider re-tendering the project in the fall for 2024 construction, but also advised Nuroad was suitably qualified for the project.
In council discussion, it was noted the bid came in under budget and that putting the project off could hamper bridge projects in line for 2024’s budget year.
The County Road 33 bridge is approximately 4.1km west of Highway 62 and is believed to have been constructed in 1948 when the road was part of the provincial highway system.
The project includes removal and replacement of the concrete deck, waterproofing, asphalt overlay, guide rail replacement and other repairs.
As a detour route is not possible, one lane of traffic at the bridge will be maintained during construction.
The staff report states the project will extend the life of the bridge for 65-75 years.
Council also approved an almost $400,000 tender contract for work on the Burr Road Bridge, with Clearwater Structures, the lowest bidder.
Councillor John Hirsch expressed concern over the cost, noting the concrete box culvert was “hardly a bridge” and asked if other solutions had been examined. He pointed to a professional article explaining the use of railway flatbed cars over creeks like this resulting in repairs above standards and costs in the $100,000 range.
Staff countered that engineers stay up-to-date on solutions and at their annual inspections look at the most cost effective methods.
Five tenders were considered – ranging from Clearwater’s $399,554 to the top tender at $677,270 from Nuroad, who won the tender above.
The bridge is a single span three-metre cast in place concrete rigid frame bridge which carries Burr Road over an unnamed creek. It is approximately 2.5 km west of Hwy 62.
The work includes work on the concrete and repairs at the deck top, soffit, abutment walls and retaining walls; new concrete curb and steel railing, waterproofing and and replacement of asphalt.
Burr Road will be closed at the bridge site during construction and traffic will be detoured using County Road 2, Christian Road and Hwy 62.
The staff report indicates the job should postpone the need for any major repairs for at least 25-30 years.
Filed Under: Local News
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