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County seeks feedback on development charges bylaw

The County of Prince Edward is asking for feedback from the public as it drafts a new development charges bylaw.

“Council and staff recognize the far-reaching impact development charges can have for residents and businesses across the municipality,” said Mayor Robert Quaiff. “As we work toward passing a new bylaw in March 2018, we want to ensure everyone who wants to offer their input has an opportunity to do so.”

Development charges allow the County to recover the capital costs associated with residential and non-residential growth within the municipality. Municipalities are empowered to impose these charges under the Development Charges Act.
Under the provincial legislation, municipalities must pass a new development charges bylaw at least every five years. The County’s current development charges by-law expires on March 6, 2018.

The County is working with Watson and Associates to create the new bylaw. The consulting firm has written a draft background study, now posted on the County website. The background study documents anticipated development, increase in needs for services, capital cost estimates and policies for imposing the charges.

Watson and Associates will host a statutory public meeting in early 2018 to gather input from the public. In the meantime, if members of the public wish to submit feedback, they can contact Amanda Carter, director of finance, by emailing

In addition to the statutory public meeting, Watson and Associates will host targeted consultation sessions on Friday, Dec. 15 in Rotary Hall at the Wellington and District Community Centre (111 Belleville St.) at 10 a.m. for developers and at 2 p.m.for agriculture and affordable housing stakeholders, as well as campground and trailer park owners and operators.
Those wishing to attend one of those sessions, should RSVP by emailing Carter.

For more information about development charges, residents are encouraged to visit the County website.

Filed Under: Local News

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  1. wevil says:

    the County is making big money on their fees it seems that it is a good way to suck extra money from those building new homes

  2. Emily says:

    Good points. But the bigger question is why all services cost more in Prince Edward County compared to neighboring municipalities?

  3. Dennis Fox says:

    The last people anyone should listen to on this topic are developers. They whine about any level of Building Permit Fee so that should not be a criteria to determine the amount charged to build here in PEC. Building Fees are a combination of connection fees and development charges. Connection fees must be based on how much it truly cost to connect to water, sewer and hydro. Connection fees MUST NOT be subsidized by the current taxpayers. Development Charges should reflect what that sub division or development needs -sidewalks, roads, etc – again this cost should not be shared with the taxpayers and paid by the developer through the price of their homes. Despite the higher fees here in PEC, the developers have been playing the game of angles here too – and they know it. They know full well that adding $5K or $10K to house here, is not enough to put off buyers new to The County. House prices here are still a good deal compared to most other places. Our problem here is the lack of jobs – not house prices. Developers just want to make as money money as they can, even if it means being subsidized by the taxpayers of PEC. Stir the pot and make it a political problem for council – let’s hope no one falls for their game. Our fees must be reality based and if they are, then let the developers do what they want – but taxpayers should not be paying to pull their freight.

  4. Susan says:

    Well we have regionally higher development charges, higher property taxes and climbing, higher water/wastewater than almost anywhere in Canada, higher waste user fees, higher number of Councillors etc etc. Something here is amiss.

  5. Louise says:

    I’ve heard from a few sources that development fees are very high in the County compared to Belleville, Trenton, Kingston and other surrounding areas. It’s very discouraging for developers, and one of the reasons (I’ve been told) that they charge more for the new homes.

    One developer said they would love to build more affordable housing, but can’t afford to do so (no pun intended).

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