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Final all-candidates’ meeting

Four of six local federal candidates shared party and personal policies at the final all-candidates’ meeting before Monday’s election.
Patrick Larkin of the Green Party, Daryl Kramp, Conservative, Peter Tinsley, Liberal and Michael McMahon, NDP, spoke before more than 100 people gathered at Pinecrest Public School in Bloomfield. The evening was hosted by the Prince Edward County Federation of Agriculture and the County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce. Candidates Andrew Skinner (Progressive Canadian Party) and Tim Hickey (Independent) were not in attendance.
The Federation’s John Thompson moderated the evening’s content which included the subjects of veterans, government integrity, the G20 summit, windmills, farming, health care, immigrants, education and pensions.

Below, the candidates’ opening statements:

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  1. Rob says:

    The Federation’s John Thompson moderated the evening’s content which included the subjects of veterans, government integrity, the G20 summit, windmills, farming, health care, immigrants, education and pensions.

    …and John Thompson did a stellar job for 3 hours -keeping the flow on track. KUDOS

  2. Rob says:

    Excellent night. I was so impressed with all the candidates.

    Found I liked Daryl Kramp – he seems genuine, sincere and honest in his opinions.
    …but then so does Patrick Larkin / Green Party, Michael McMahon / NDP ( who Best answered my question ” – “Could we not spend our 30 to 60 Billion on Our Own Made In Canada fighter/interceptor Solution”? – especially since we did it 50 years ago and have the national capability and WILL to do it again – upgraded to today’s technology) It’s a huge amount of taxpayer cost and I’d rather it be spent IN Canada – employment, R&D, something we could market to other countries also needing the equipment, and just plain National Pride. We did the Arrow…the CF-105, we CAN do it again today – we Have 5 years to get it done (we HAVE Bombardier and other aerospace companies)…and can hire worldwide for the talent, parts and pieces that we need.

    …and last but certainly not least the calming effect of his voice and reassurance I felt from Peter Tisley who has the Liberal Fully Costed and Layed Out program for the ‘Whole Fam Damily’ from early child care needing toddlers- through Every student getting $4,000 to help get higher education, to Seniors (and I have proudly just joined That club)-being assured Government of Canada respect and support after a lifetime of Canadian contribution. ( Tinsley sounds a little like Yoda )

    I had to, -with my lifetime Liberal Heart, give Peter Tinsley/Liberal my Faith…and have voted for him to represent me in Ottawa and to the world internationally.

    I have to remark that, -as representatives for the County?

    – Each candidate would do me proud. That’s Really Saying Something in this heavily polarized election…the most important, in my view, in many years. We are at a watershed in Canada … I see it world-wide. We’ll be in solid shape no matter who gets the greatest number of ballots here.

    Daryl cares. Michael does. Patrick does…and Peter is running because his heart seems to burn for Canada, as well at this stage in our history.

    Thank you to each candidate for taking the time to listen, to think, to feel and to answer like true Canadians. I’m proud to know you are ALL there. We’re in good shape, -at least locally. (((((( GO CANADA ))))))

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