FIT review and Pines Project great green news for Ontario and County
Administrator | Mar 26, 2012 | Comments 6
Last Thursday, (March 22nd) was a good day for renewable energy and the green economy in Ontario and Prince Edward County. The noteworthy events of that day were:
1) The Liberal government published the results of the two-year review of the Feed-In-Tariff program. They have re-affirmed their commitment to renewable energy and the green economy. The changes will introduce a streamlined process to allow projects to be developed and implemented with fewer delays. More information can been found at
2) Bill 42, introduced by Conservative Tim Hudak in an attempt to restrict the development of renewable energy in Ontario, was soundly defeated in the Provincial Legislature.
3) On Thursday evening, I attended an information session hosted by wpd Canada where they outlined their plans for the White Pines Wind Project. I was able to speak with company representatives and view the planning and research materials for the 29 turbine project. The meeting was well attended by the public and I was very pleased to see the large number of wind energy supporters in attendance.
With advancements like these, Ontario is moving in the right direction to ensure a better, cleaner, greener and more prosperous future for its residents. I am proud that Prince Edward County will be doing its part to make it happen.
Jason Alford
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion
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I don’t know who this Jason Alford guy is but he sure is naive – wind power is a testimony to ignorance and greed. And incidentally Mr Alford the large numbers of wind supporters you mentioned were no doubt those with leases with their snout in the trough and their hands in our collective pockets.
I definately agree with Dayton’s remarks.
It’s time to get on the BUS (on the 3rd April from Metro) and go visit “Toronto” for a little March on this whole PROGRAM of Dalton’s(Queen’s Park) screw da people, I’m DA BOSS!!!!. Do it,”logic and common sence” are so frivilious.
I’m not sure where you were standing at WPD’s White Pine meeting Jason but every station that I went to there were angry people. Some were worried about their health and property values. Some told stories about neighbours who would normally get along fighting with each other. Most just wanted WPD to take their poster boards and go away.
These wind subsidies are not a good thing for Ontario – not by a long shot.
The modest (not large) number of wind energy supporters dispersed in multiple directions when a member of the media tries to get a group picture.
Jason, in respect to the subsidy reductions of the FIT program, I agree with you that it “was a (double) good day”. Lets go even further with this renewable energy impetus and eliminate the FIT subsidies altogether! That would be a triple-double-good day. Soon enough the Industrial Wind Turbine towers of Babel will be omnipresent on the eastern (Ontario) renewable energy battle front and the people will come to worship them for the “better, cleaner, greener and more prosperous future” that is dictated to them. I’m sure you’ll be watching and will be watched.
Well Sophiasburg is a long ways from South Marysburgh isn’t it….you don’t have to live next door to these scrap piles. Without getting into a pissin contest with you because you already know the real truth I’ll just say that we all know there are cheaper and cleaner sources of power so why saddle power consumers with all this extra debt. And don’t play the “think of your children and grandchildren” sad song.Tell that to the coal burners in USA…Know where that is and how close?