Food bank Cheers! Isenor family for harvest donation
Administrator | Oct 21, 2013 | Comments 4

From left, Kaghan Isenor, Jeff Chance, C.J. Lickers, Kieran Isenor and his mom Rose and their father Derrick.
The Picton United Church County Foodbank transformed into a market last week as the County’s Isenor family donated baskets of herbs and fresh produce.
“Our food bank looks like something from Kensington Market – beautiful,” said Pat Romkey, executive director. “We are so lucky to have families like this one that contribute to their community. Families working together, and giving back. It just doesn’t get any better. The Picton Food Bank has been blessed many times with fresh fruit and vegetables grown here, in County gardens. Thank you to all for sharing this “County Bounty” with our clients.”
Filed Under: cheers • News from Everywhere Else
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Rose you are so adorable!!! Beautiful family 🙂
Way to go Cristine!
Great stuff!
Amazing gesture by Derrick and Christine and the rest of the C.C.P. crew ! Good work folks…