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How Separation Can Work

Steve Campbell

Steve Campbell

At least one of my readers has a fixation with ‘Purpose’ and ‘Principles’ when launching a project as big as the creation of the Province of Prince Edward County.
Our purpose is simple: To return decision-making power to the people of the County concerning their current operations and future.
Our principles should be incorruptible:
We intend to secede from Ontario without bloodshed, and appeal to the federal government to accept us as a new province.
We intend to clear the table of all existing legislation, provincial and municipal, and rebuild our laws to properly suit the needs of County people. (Since we are staying in Canada, we will be bound by federal legislation, for now.)
We intend to build the local economy based on shopping locally, replacing ‘outsourced’ manufacturing with new County-grown industries, and building new export markets.

Now let’s get down to the mechanics:
Number One on peoples’ minds is: Where does our money come from, and where does it go?
Consider this. By becoming a Province, we are now on the receiving end of transfer payments directly from the federal government. That ‘trickle-down’ theory of sending money to Ontario in the vain hope it will reach the County after being filtered through the sludge of bureaucracy and the ‘need to feed’ the metro areas with funds, will be nullified.
Next, we don’t actually need to blow up the bridges, we just need to expropriate a little land here and there, like the feds did with the Meyers farm in Quinte West.
For example, the boundary at Carrying Place is completely out of place – any idiot with a map can tell that. We need to push it back to the south end of the bridge, which will also remove the notorious Quinte West OPP speed trap on our side of the bridge.
Toll booths are not out of the question as a money generator, but proof of residency will give County people a ‘SpeedPass’ card. County people who work in Belleville will need to pass a Loyalty Oath, or no SpeedPass.

Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages in obtaining some of the things County people need.
First, we get to tell the Province of Ontario to take their massive industrial wind turbines and shove them up their gaping deficit. For some people, this alone is good enough reason to leave.
Also, it is well-known that the gov’t exports its excess electricity, sometimes at discount prices, sometimes for free, and sometimes they pay neighbouring provinces and states to take their excess power. Guess what? We’re now one of the neighbouring provinces!
So instead of paying Ontario with destruction of land, wildlife, lifestyle, property values, personal health and ever-increasing hydro rates – we get to be on the good side of Ontario’s bungling of their ability to control power-generation.
“But Steve,” you say, “Without Hydro One where does our power come from?” One word: Quebec.
You see, Quebec is already heavily subsidized by the federal government, so they can pour buckets of power on the ground if they want to, because Quebec always gets what it wants. So really, if you want to be on the winning side in Canada, who should you choose as an ally? Ontario or Quebec?
(If federal tradition holds true, Quebec and County can be the new Golden Boys; Ontario and First Nations will continue to be screwed as usual.)
Also, something Ontario doesn’t understand, Quebec can ship power anywhere it wants, using low-line-loss transmission techniques invented and developed by Canadians. If they can ship electricity from Hudson’s Bay to New York State, all we need is a big power bar with about 10,000 outlets, and we’ll be lit up like Disney World on the 4th of July!
Seriously, why buy power from the most expensive game in town, when other suppliers are eager to get our business? It’s a no-brainer to me.
Disadvantages: None I can see.

LCBO and Beer Stores
Yes, I know this is high on the list. This is an easy solve.
The Beer Stores are owned by the breweries, and they will sell to anyone who will guzzle their brew. But we can buy it without the monumental Ontario taxes that are piled on. No kidding! Ever wonder why you can buy Molson’s in an American Walmart at half the price you can in Ontario? Taxes! They even call Molson Export ‘Molson Import’ so, if you’re willing to pay half the price, what’s in a name?
As for liquor, why pay a giant corporation, and the usual load of taxes, when just about every country south of the U.S.A. is willing to make terrific deals on their exported booze?
Rum is so cheap in Jamaica, I saw a bartender pour 101-proof on the bar and wipe it off with a cloth! It’s cheaper than Windex! Ask yourself if Cuba, Jamaica and the Dominican aren’t geared up to make fresh deals.
And, with cheap booze, we can be the Duty-Free Shop for all of Southeastern Ontario. Buy a case, get a discount! Every Caribbean country will love us!

Gasoline & Propane
Another easy one. The Mohawks have this tied down, and are more than willing to deal and deliver. Plus, no tax! The way God meant it to be! The prices, sadly, will still be controlled by the huge world-destroying fat cats who run the oil companies but, if someone knows how to speak Arabic, we might also be able to make a deal with Saudi Arabia, which is in kind of an awkward position, being surrounded by civil war.

Road Repair
This might be a little too far in the ‘thinking outside the box’ territory, but it seems to me that we spend a lot of money turning bumpy roads into slick, smooth, high-speed highways, and then complain about the people who travel them at high speed. And also pay cops to stop them from doing that.
Wouldn’t it be simpler to cut out the middle-man, and leave the roads bumpy? You can put up all the warning signs you want on a smooth road, to no avail. But if you’re on a bumpy road, you slow down, or pay big money out of your own pocket in suspension repairs. Now that’s a deterrent!
We’re just warming up. Remember, our greatest regrets in life come from the path not chosen.

Filed Under: News from Everywhere ElseSteve Campbell

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