Nominate an educator or support staff for a Premier’s Award
Administrator | Dec 14, 2011 | Comments 0
Do you know a special teacher who makes learning come to life? A support staff member who helps kids overcome obstacles? A school or board leader who rallied a community to make a difference in the lives of their students? Or maybe you know an early childhood educator who builds on a child’s interests and curiosity to find new opportunities to learn.
Nominations are now open for the Premier’s Awards for Teaching Excellence.
Parents, students, educators and community members can nominate an outstanding educator or support staff member for an award.
“The awards are a great way to say thank you to someone who makes a difference,” said Kerry Donnell, Communication’s officer with the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board.
There are eight different award categories, recognizing a range of people and skills including: Teacher of the Year
New Teacher of the Year
Early Childhood Educator of the Year
Excellent Support Staff
Excellence in Leadership
Team of the Year
Full-Day Kindergarten Team of the Year
Lifetime Achievement
Two new awards have been created this year to recognize the unique role that registered early childhood educators play in supporting children and families: Early Childhood Educator of the Year and Full-Day Kindergarten Team of the Year.
The deadline to submit a nomination is February 6, 2012. Full details here:
Filed Under: Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board
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