Ontario hockey families County bound Oct. 24-26
Administrator | Oct 16, 2019 | Comments 0
Some 700 players and 1,500 parents and siblings are expected to descend upon the County Oct. 24-26 for the 10th Annual Milk Hockey Tournament.
“The event features 44 teams from all over Ontario arriving in the community to play hockey, eat and drink, buy gas, drink coffee, and generally soak up PEC life,” reports the Picton BIA.
Teams will all play four or more games of hockey in either Picton, Wellington or Deseronto. Games begin at 9:30 am on Friday am and end about 6 pm on Sunday.
There are teams with players from Novice (7 and 8 years old) up to Midget (15-17 years old) from as far west as London; down to the Niagara Peninsula; over to the Quebec Border; up to the Ottawa Valley and most points in between.
“One of the most asked questions we get is ‘is there a place where a team can get a meal – which usually means 30+ people. One of our teams is developing an updated Restaurant Guide for teams and their families. If you would like to be listed, contact Jefferson Gilbert at jgilbert@gappointreach.com”
Also, at the request of some – there is a WELCOME sign that folks could print off for their establishment window. Click here for the sign.
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else • Sports & Recreation
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