QHC releases first report on vision for new PEC hospital
Administrator | Jul 02, 2014 | Comments 9
Quinte Health Care has released its first bi-monthly report to the community regarding the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital redevelopment process.
Filed Under: Local News
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My Condolences Wolf to you and the Family of your Friend..
Going to a funeral today in Belleville for a friend.
The friend was in BGH for some surgery. The night before surgery friend was in distress. We recognized it as a heart attack and told staff just that.
Friend was shipped to KGH (Kingston). She died there. Her body was kept for 24hrs before being released.
No explanations given from anyone… yet. 🙁
“Quinte Health Care has closed a $7-million funding gap for 2014-2015, but its president says direct effects on patients may be minimal.” from the Intelligencer.. They can’t run what they have now efficiently .
I wish our representatives, be it Federally, Provincial, or Municipal, would spend money like it was their own not like it has a bottomless pit
Coalition: “It is only about 10% cheaper to redevelop an older hospital versus building new”
Only 10% ? On a million dollars that works out to be 100 thousand. On 50 million it’s 5million. Trivial difference in the mindset of the bureaucracy when they’re spending tax-payer money versus their own.
Who wouldn’t rather buy a new car versus a second-hand car.
Who wouldn’t love to buy a new house instead of a resale.
We’d all love to buy new clothes …. well you get the picture.
I’m sure that selecting an architect for a hospital renovation or new construction is like making a selection at an ice cream shop — there are a vast array of options, and choosing only one flavor (or architect) that suits patient and staff tastes is pretty darn hard. Has any of that work been done or is this group simply moving forward on new construction ?
Old buildings and infectious disease? How good is BGH and their new wing at preventing infection. A Picton woman died there not long ago, entering for routine treatment and never leaving alive due to infection. It’s so bad unless you absolutely need to be in a hospital avoid it all costs. It could very well be your last visit as the infections in there are worse than what ails most folks.
Back when they were pouring a small fortune into that new ER they must have been unaware of how unsuitable the old hospital was for future use. They did not know that the spread of infectious diseases could not be properly controlled in such an old building. What they don’t know is amazing. What they do with our money is even more astounding.
I thought that was suppose to happen with the millions of dollars they spent a few years ago to update the present hospital
And we are supposed to be excited about this and bring out our cheque books? Phrases like ” health care campus” and “the patient experience” are so much bafflegab. Who invents these ridiculous expressions? How many beds will our new “hospital” have? Will it restore any of the services stripped from our existing hospital? Not likely. It will simply be a new version of the old story – a handful of beds for ten people and an ER. For anything of consequence we will be shipped off to Belleville. Do they really think they can hand us a “health care campus” in the way that one would distract a crying child with a new toy and expect us to believe that we are really fortunate to have a brand new “hospital” which will be little more than a glorified first aid station?