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Status of Ian Hanna wind energy legal case

November will be a busy month for County residents interested in wind energy development.  On Nov. 17, Gilead Power will be hosting its last public meeting on the Ostrander Point project before seeking a Renewable Energy Approval from the Ontario Ministry of Environment.  WPD Canada, which has optioned a vast amount of land in North and South Marysburgh, will hold its first public meeting on the White Pines project on a date yet to be scheduled.

Meanwhile, the best hope for halting wind development, at least in well-settled parts of the County, remains the Ian Hanna legal case.

As Hanna reports in an update distributed to APPEC members, the case is proceeding systematically, if slowly, but the delay should not be interpreted as detrimental to a successful outcome.  Indeed, due process can only strengthen the basis for the court’s judgment. If the government has been given sufficient opportunity to present its side, the judgment is more likely to be decisive.

A hearing before the Ontario Superior Court is now scheduled for Jan. 24-25, 2011. The legal team remains highly optimistic that closure and a victory are coming.

Hanna also reviews the status of the case in a speech posted, in two parts, on youtube:

Part 1:

Part 2:

As more and more wind projects are announced around the province, Hanna has been invited to speak at the meetings organized by new anti-wind organizations.  His reception has been consistently enthusiastic, and donations toward the case have been generous. However, the total funds collected are still below $200,000, while the undoubtedly necessary target remains $250,000.

It’s become apparent to everyone involved with wind energy development that the Ian Hanna case is critical to the future. The stakes are high for the Ontario government, developers, and all rural Ontarians who are being asked to live with wind projects.  As Thomas Paine once wrote, this is not a time for summer soldiers.  We must defend vigorously our right to healthy, peaceful, and safe homes.

Henri Garand
Chair, APPEC

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion


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  1. Doris says:

    WE have too much power now. We pay up to 60 cents KWH for our power and sell it to the US for 4 cents.

    Where is the logic in this?

    Even the government says we are going to build new clean coal plants. Wind and solar are not sustainable. All they do is ruin our environment by the disruption they cause

  2. Lori says:

    GLOBE & MAIL Headline… “When it comes to power Ontario is in the dark”


    Power expert Tom Adams may know more about this subject than any other living being. And he’s steamed. … The province is paying sky-high rates for power it doesn’t need so we can have wind turbines marching on and on to the horizon, just like Denmark does. “Power demand has been dropping since 2005,” says Mr. Adams. In fact, we have so much excess supply that, from time to time, it threatens to crash the system. Because of this, we’re even paying the neighbours to take the power off our hands. … “The Green Energy Act is unsustainable,” says Mr. Adams. “And when it blows up, it will be awfully hard to put things back together again.”

    read full text here

  3. Carmine says:

    Due diligence needs to be managed when making decisions on the renewable technologies. However, we cannot contradict ourselves by making demands on the government to have renewable technologies as a bigger component of our electrical supply mix while criticizing them when trying to install them.
    Consider the options; Nuclear? Gas? Coal? Choose your poison. What impact will this type generation have on the environment? Given the choices wind starts to look pretty good.
    We have growth in the county. Generators are reaching their maximum output potential. We could import power but our southern neighbours seem to have less restrictions on coal then we do. Besides where does that smog end up? I think the county is the first to receive the air consequences of burning coal for power in the states. Importing is not an option.
    We need localized generation to reduce transmission line losses and it needs to be renewable energy. We want our future generations to enjoy what we have all grown up to enjoy while meeting the challenges of growth that face us in the future.

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