Still Alice reminds viewers to never lose sight of person living with Alzheimer’s
Administrator | Mar 09, 2015 | Comments 1
Never lose sight of the person living with Alzheimer’s and dementia is the lesson in Julianne Moore’s Academy Award winning performance in Still Alice.
Laura Hare, executive director of newly combined Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward, joined volunteers and supporters at the Empire Theatre in Belleville Friday for opening night of the movie. They shared light refreshments, pamphlets and answered questions about the disease and the services of the society which maintains offices in Picton, Belleville and Bancroft.
On behalf of the 747,000 Canadians living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and the friends and family members who care for them, the Alzheimer Society applauds Julianne Moore on winning an Academy Award for her stunning performance in Still Alice.
Moore sensitively portrays the real-life experiences of women living with Alzheimer’s disease. Still Alice was adapted from the best-selling novel of the same name by Lisa Genova. It tells the story of a brilliant linguistics professor who is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease at age 50.
Women are disproportionally affected by Alzheimer’s disease, representing 72 per cent of Canadians living with the disease and 70 per cent of caregivers providing personal care.
In January, during Alzheimer Awareness Month, the Alzheimer Society, launched a nationwide campaign called the The 72% to encourage women to pay more attention to Alzheimer’s warning signs – not just for themselves but for the women they care about.
Those with experience caring for a person with Alzheimer’s and dementia will recognize what the movie gets exactly right – random lapses in memory, disorientation and the anxiety of “normal” and the rage that “cancer would feel less shameful.”
When daughter Lydia (Kristen Stewart) asks “What does it actually feel like?” Alice’s truthful response is “Some days she can “almost pass for a normal person” while on others “I feel like I can’t find myself…”
The film breaks your heart as you watch her attempt manage her decline and see she realizes how the attack on her intelligence is an assault on her identity.
No doubt all in the audience tried frantically to answer the memory test the doctor repeats at office visits. You see her satisfaction finding correct answers and her distress when she does not.
The inevitable change comes at the movie’s conclusion, but viewers are shocked as they see Moore’s subtle, incremental change as she discovers a video message to herself.
While researching the disease for her performance, Moore told interviewers she was struck by the generosity of Alzheimer victims she spoke with and observed their personalities were always evident, no matter how advanced their disease.
Still Alice continues at the Empire Theatre:
Tuesday, March 10 @ 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 11 @ 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 12 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 13 @ 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 14th @ 7:30pm
Wednesday, March 11 @ 2 p.m.
Saturday March 14th @ 2pm
Caregiver support group – Wellington
Every second Wednesday of the month – 2pm – 4pm
Wellington Library, 261 Main St, Wellington, ON (map)
Please call the office to register – 613-476-2085.
Facilitated by Education and Support Co-ordinator Barry Flanigan, MSW.
Caregiver Support Group – Picton
Every second Thursday of the month – 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Please call the office to register – 613-476-2085.
Facilitated by Education and Support Co-ordinator Barry Flanigan, MSW.
There are many ways caregivers and family members can get the support they need. Whether you’re looking for advice, someone to listen, or general information, there is a level of support for whatever you need.
• The Alzheimer Society Message Board is a great place for caregivers to share common experiences and advice. It is free to register.
• A support group can give you a place to talk with other caregivers who understand the disease and know just what you’re going through.
• A counsellor or trained professional can help you talk through your feelings and concerns in a more intimate setting.
LIKE US on Facebook
Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward County
90 King Street,
Corner of King & Paul
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Tel: (613 )476-2085
Fax: (613) 476-1537
Filed Under: News from Everywhere Else
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This was a wonderful event!