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Support for health team to seek funding for new medical facility

Council is showing support for the Prince Edward Family Health Team (PEFHT) to seek Ministry of Health funding to turn a parking lot near the hospital into a new medical facility.

Council, at Thursday’s committee of the whole meeting, directed the mayor and CAO to write letters as required to support the funding application to the ministry’s capital branch funding program.

Council also approved dissolving the Primary Care Infrastructure Working Group and sending letters of appreciation to its members. The group was formed last year to support the PEFHT, and County Docs recruitment efforts attempting to address lack of medical office space and temporary housing. County Docs recruiter Adam Hambly has identified both as barriers to recruitment in Prince Edward County.

PEFHT executive director Barinder Gill told council the idea of a health hub is “more important now than ever before… and the concept fits will with future plans for primary care in our community” which he notes he will share developments happening with council in the fall.

Currently 16 of 23 primary care physician spaces are filled, of the 23 positions allowed by the Ministry of Health for the PEFHT.

The working group, PEFHT and County Docs identified key requirements to attract and retain primary care providers as:
– Turnkey, suitable space with predictable overhead costs to make it easy for doctors to start and run their practices
– Competitive and stable lease rates
– Shared facilities to encourage collaboration among family doctors and other healthcare professionals such as nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, dieticians and administrative staff
– Proximity to the hospital for doctors practicing in Picton, as they also staff the hospital emergency department and provide care for admitted patients, often needing to move between their clinic and the hospital

The working group had made the recommendation to seek funding for a medical facility and suggested the PEFHT seek the funding and handle the design, construction, ownership and operation of the building and property. The municipality would continue to own the land.

To meet all of PEFHT’s current and future needs, including space for primary care and allied health practitioners, their teams, and admin staff , the working group determined 17,000 to 20,000 square feet is needed. This new building would provide at least 12,000 square feet, covering a significant portion of the need.

Multiple solutions are required to accommodate all doctors and the PEFHT staff of 40-plus people. The former Queen Elizabeth School Tenant Selection Committee (now disbanded) also included the PEFHT among its recommended tenant list.

There are no immediate financial considerations for the municipality until the building is developed and a long-term lease agreement is made.

Mitigation plans are proposed to address financial risks, such as an unsuccessful funding application or opposition from community members regarding the designated land. If the application is unsuccessful, staff suggest involving a private sector developer over public funding.

The HUB Child and Family Centre and the Picton Fair Board are current occasional users of the parking lot. Staff are already in communication with both about alternate parking options and about the potential use of the lot as a laydown area for contractors during the construction of the new hospital.

The working group was also tasked with exploring housing options for newly-graduated doctors who bring large schooling debt and may find it difficult to secure housing in the local market.

County Docs established a program called the Doctor Accommodation Network (DAN) which pairs doctors (either permanent or locum) with housing from a list of willing hosts and landlords.

Since the working group determined DAN was operating successfully and no further action would be undertaken as the County continues to seek solutions to affordable housing for all residents.


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