All Entries Tagged With: "history"

Five possible sites for Sir John A sculpture
The public is invited to a discussion about possible locations for the John A. Macdonald bronze sculpture project. Members of the Macdonald Project steering committee are hosting a public meeting Tuesday, Aug. 9 from 7-9 p.m. in the Town Hall above the Fire Hall in Picton. “This is an important meeting because it’s your opportunity […]

CHEERS! to preserving County history
The Picton Kiwanis enjoyed the opportunity to go back into Picton’s history recently when they viewed some short films focused on the 1920s presented by Peter Lockyer. The films, now on DVD, brought back the value of keeping our history alive and well, said Kiwanis President John Langschmidt. “Peter has done a magnificent job in […]

Prince Edward County has been living The Settlers Dream and destroying it
By Theresa Durning It seems the County revels in history and heritage – just not enough. With a visual backdrop of the recently demolished Methodist Church, Tom Cruickshank co-author of The Settlers’ Dream, focused on the hits and misses the community has experienced since publication of the Dream. Although critically acclaimed, The Settlers’ Dream was […]

County heritage of apples worth preserving
By Donald McClure One of the lingering memories of this autumn and autumns past is our annual visit to Waupoos to stock up on apples. Standing in Creasy’s retail shed a few weeks ago surrounded with baskets and bins of freshly harvested apples, seems almost to be a right of passage for County folks. It […]
Open letter to future council: Save our heritage
I am deeply concerned about the destruction of the County’s heritage sites as well as development that does nothing to enhance and complement its past. The protection and preservation of our historical areas are crucial to PECs economic growth as a place to live and work as well as a tourist destination. Our history creates […]

County honours its cultural heritage
SEPT 23, 2010 – Prince Edward County and its Heritage Advisory Committee honoured owners of 30 heritage sites listed in the County’s Register as properties of cultural heritage value. “We are an area rich in history,” Mayor Leo Finnegan told honourees in attendance at the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting Thursday in the Edward Building. “The […]

Macaulay Museum rehabilitation project begins
Rehabilitation work to Macaulay Church Museum (the former Mary Magdalene Church circa 1825) will begin by the end of September. An integral part of the Macaulay Heritage Park, the church has been a museum since the early 1970s. The last major work done to the church was during the conversion to a museum, with Wintario […]

Of buildings lost and tractors found
The old gentleman was standing by the great Corliss steam engine at the Ameliasburg Museum a few years ago. I struck up a conversation with him and mentioned that it was too bad the 1842 Roblin Mill had been dismantled and carried off to the Black Creek Pioneer Village in Toronto. “Best thing that ever […]

County History Moments launched
The 2010 launch of the History Moments series was held at The Regent Theatre in Picton at 4-5:30 pm Friday, August 6th. The History Moments are short, video vignettes on local history themes that play before movies at The Regent, are broadcast on Cogeco cablevision, have been distributed into area schools, libraries and museums, are […]

Historically significant drawing donated
A pen and ink drawing of the old Picton Hospital (now Picton Manor Nursing Home) by Ruby Young, 83, was presented by Fran Renoy, right, to Lisa Mowbray, patient services manager at Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital. The hospital auxiliary commissioned Paulette Greer, of SideStreet Gallery in Wellington, to frame the drawing and it will […]