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County honours its cultural heritage

SEPT 23, 2010 – Prince Edward County and its Heritage Advisory Committee honoured owners of 30 heritage sites listed in the County’s Register as properties of cultural heritage value.

“We are an area rich in history,” Mayor Leo Finnegan told honourees in attendance at the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting Thursday in the Edward Building. “The County continues to evolve as a cultural landscape as our municipality promotes the co-operation of the past and present. Heritage conservation and education is integral to this partnership.”

The mayor offered the municipality’s gratitude and congratulated everyone for their contribution toward protecting the built cultural heritage of Prince Edward County.

Speaking to the recent demolition of  the former Methodist Episcopal Church downtown Picton (Full story here) he agreed that if people are to assign blame, “we’re all to blame” and “we should learn from it.”  He added that as a member of St. Gregory’s Church, Picton, he plans to see what he can do to gain designation for that property.

He thanked the Heritage Advisory Committee Chairman, Ryan Leary, the County’s Senior Planner, and members: Marc Sequin, Gordon Parsons, vice-chair, Terry Shortt, Janice Gibbins, Ron Parlane, John Lyons and councillor Brian Marisett.  Find out more about the committee, its work and how you can become a member by visiting the Prince Edward County website.

The honoured include:

J. Maurice McLeod: Rednersville Parsonage; John and Donna Jean Meens: Rednersville Store; David Bulloch: Young Anderson House; Sharon McLean: James Young House.

Philip and Debra St. Jean: Stark House.

Terry Armstrong and Robert Armstrong: Degroffe Andringa House; Mary Lye: Saylor Block.

Peter Fisk: Bowerman’s Church

Dennis Moore/Wendy Daxon: Haight House

North Marysburgh:
Berva Howes: Conrad David House; United Church of Canada, c/o Bruce Fraser, Cressy United Church; Douglas Johnson: Spafford House; John Harney: Stone Mill Stage and Ferry, VanAlstine’s Mill; R. Fleguel and E. Roughan: William Whattam House and Alexander Shannon House.

John Lawrence Gruer: Dunlop and Chapman; 621256 Ontario Ltd: Merrill House; Kim Jae Gyun: Mrs. Furlong’s Store; Richard Pearce: Washburn House.

Methodist Church Trustees, c/o Sidna McKenzie: Bethesda Church and Drive Shed; Cora Diane Brisley: John Demill House; Ricki Shearpe: Philip Roblin House; Peter Fleming/Diane Rheaume: Rowan House.

South Marysburgh:
Steven Rapkin: Dulmage Drive Shed; Gordon and Janice Gibbins: Gibbin’s Property; Catherine Mathewson: Isaac Minaker House.

Diane Covington: Daniel Reynolds House; Ronald Firek, c/o JPGL: Tara Hall; Cheryl Douglas: WW Fitzgerald House; S. McFarland: Wistar House.

County designates four properties of cultural heritage properties

JULY 29 – 2010 – Four beautiful, historic buildings and properties were designated under the Ontario Heritage Act as properties of cultural heritage value. The Prince Edward County Heritage Advisory Committee presented the four homes at the July 29 County of Prince Edward Committee of the Whole public meeting. The committee approved the designation last Thursday at its meeting in Bloomfield. They also recommended County Council declare the Baxter Building in Bloomfield as surplus and have it appraised. Two groups have expressed interest in purchasing the building.

Mrs. Furlong’s Store c. 1869
63 Union Street, Picton

The lot was part of William Macaulay’s patent until purchased in 1869 by Ellen Furlong, widow, who was already established “carrying on the business of a grocer” on this site. The present building was likely not constructed until she gained full legal title. She remarried and was widowed again before selling her property in December 1878 to A.W. Hepburn the shipping magnate who just before had moved into Rickarton castle. There is also a bakeoven to the rear of the store which functioned as a bakery for many years.
Mrs. Furlong’s store, nestled into the streetscape in the heart of Delhi, is rich with old-fashioned

character and in an excellent state of preservation.  It has design value because of its representational style of commercial retail business in the mid 19th century. It has contextual value because it reflects an important part of the streetscape of the old village of Delhi. The shopfront is original and one of a handful in Picton that has not been altered.

Washburn House c. 1835
339 Main Street, Picton

While it is likely that a house was standing on this then farm property as early as 1804, the current house was built by the Honourable Simeon Washburn around 1835.  Simeon was among the early elected officials to represent the County in the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada.  Few other houses of the period can boast its grand scale and the quality of its interior and exterior detail.  The house remained in the family until 1890 when it was sold to the Anglican Church. A new Anglican church and rectory were built on the lot and the Washburn House became the Rectory.  The Washburn House has since been separated from the church property, sold, and is currently being restored.
It has significant architectural design value because it is an uncommon early example of a 2-storey brick Greek Revival style residence in Prince Edward County. It has direct associations with  Simeon Washburn, member of the Legislature of Upper Canada, who lived in the house until 1858 and has associative value with the community and with the Anglican Church because it was used as a rectory by the new St. Mary Magdalene Church after 1912.

The Rose House c. 1820s-30s
3333 County Rd. 8, North Marysburgh

The Rose House

The Rose House has historical value because it was built by Peter and Christina (Bongard) Rose both among the first Loyalist settlers in the county. They were part of the German (Hessian) settlement of Marysburgh, the oldest settled area of Prince Edward County. The Hessians were the first German settlers in Upper Canada. Peter bought this property in 1804-06. Some timbers in the roof joists are considerably older than others. It is common thought that they were re-cycled from the 1789-90 Lutheran church to the east of the Rose house. The 24’ by 24’ log building was the first church and school in Prince Edward County. Beldon’s  Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Counties of Hastings & Prince Edward published in 1878 stated that the ruins of the church were still visible.
Rose house, an iconic landmark within Marysburgh, was strategically placed on the brow of a hill overlooking the Rose property including the Rose cemetery, Smith’s Bay, Waupoos Island and Lake Ontario . The Rose house also has links to the 1790 Lutheran Church and the German (Hessian) settlement.

The Barker House

Barker House (no pix yet) c. 1812
56 King Street, Street, Picton

Abraham Barker purchased his 200 acre farm from Conrad Vandusen in 1806. Barker constructed the two storey frame house in 1812, within an area which gradually transformed into a business/commercial district, eventually overtaking the residential area.  The relocation of Barker House in 1900, which accommodated the Picton Post Office until 1872, to make way for the new post office when the Main Street frontage was sold to Federal Government provides a tangible link to the development of Picton.  Further, the donation of the relocated house and remnant grounds to the Town of Picton in 1945 by canning magnate W. H. Benson for public use reinforces the connection to town history.  The site, building and the Barker family are intertwined with the history of Picton,
Although adapted to the needs and prevailing tastes of periods throughout it’s history, the building nevertheless provides the form and character of the early Loyalist, or Wilderness Georgian style, and remains as a notable and distinguished piece of architecture in the Town.  The history of the building and the adaptation granted for it’s survival make this wood frame and clad building unique and central to the complete history of Picton.
The building and grounds are an integral part of the town center, and Benson Hall and park are considered local landmarks.  Benson Park was the first formal park of the town and provides an important central greenspace linking the residential and business communities.  The distinct location of Benson Hall as setback from the common building line of King Street and the enclosure of the park by buildings and trees, together create a unique and attractive urban space and the total site contributes considerably to the neighbourhood and town character.

Prince Edward County honoured its heritage last week with the presentation of 10 recognition certificates to Picton residents who own buildings designated under the Ontario Heritage Act as properties of cultural heritage value. Sue Capon photo

County honours Picton’s cultural heritage

JUNE 2010 – Prince Edward County honoured its heritage with the presentation of 10 recognition certificates to Picton residents who own buildings designated under the Ontario Heritage Act as properties of cultural heritage value.
“Heritage buildings provide a glimpse into the County’s past and remind us of the early United Empire Loyalist, the Barley Days and canning and agricultural industries that made Prince Edward County what it is today,” said Ryan Leary, the County’s Senior Planner and Heritage Staff Liaison. “The designation of a building under the Ontario Heritage Act is an important and significant step in protecting these gems of the past for future generations.”
Mayor Leo Finnegan, on behalf of the Heritage Advisory Committee, and the municipality,  presented the certificates to show gratitude and congratulate  the owners of the properties for their contribution toward protecting the built cultural heritage of the County.
“We live in an area rich in history. The County continues to evolve as a cultural landscape as our municipality promotes the co-operation of the past and the present,” Mayor Finnegan said. “Heritage conservation and education  are integral to this partnership. Our cultural heritage is what we value from the past, and what we want to preserve for future generations. Identifying and protecting places in our communities that have cultural heritage value is an important part of planning for the future, and of helping to guide change while keeping the buildings, structures and landscapes that give Prince Edward County its unique identity.”
Mayor Finnegan presented certificates and thanked the following for preserving and protecting the County’s cultural heritage:
Judith Pierce Martin and Peter Birtwistle, of the Augusta Wilcocks House, 1897, 352 Main; Gordon Parsons, of the Gideon-Striker-Walmsley House, 1868, 353 Main; RTR Partners of the West End Grocery, 1879, 78 Main; Sharon Jarvis, on behalf of the Regent Theatre, 1830, 226 Main; Bob Bird, for the Glenwood Cemetery Vault, 1873, and the Glenwood Cemetery Chapel, 1901; James Alexander for the William Southard House, 1862, 16 Talbot; Rosemary Smith, for The Allison Block, 1860, 250 Main; Bill Kidnew, for The Royal Canadian Legion Walter Ross House, 1855, 347 Main.
More ceremonies are to be held to honour buildings in other areas of the County.

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  1. Doris Lane says:

    This is all very interesting and I agree that the buildings selected should be on the County’s Register as properties of cultural heritage value but that does not mean that we should work towards a heritage designation in Picton’s downtown core. What about Bloomfield and Wellington?? With Mr Marisett being on the Heritage advisory committee, there seems to be a real push on in PIcton to get him elected in Ward 1 –why did he not run in Athol where he lives and has a business.
    He also failed to be at the council meeting in July that asked to have the Main Street Church given an intent to designate as a heritage building. Should not the member of council that sits on a committee be present when the motion from his committee is presented???

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