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This willing hostess should resign

By refusing to support Councillor Quaiff’s “Not a willing host” motion against industrial wind turbines for Prince Edward County, Councillor Barbara Proctor has lost both the confidence and the respect of her constituents.  She should resign.

Prior to her 2010 election to council, candidate Proctor indicated in a Wellington Times poll that instead of a complete ban, or the current setback of only 550 metres, she preferred a 1500 metre setback of turbines from residences.   In 2012 councillor Proctor wrote to the Ministers of Energy and Environment advising “I must support the majority of my constituents when I inform you that clearly, Large Scale Wind Development cannot be welcomed by the stated majority of residents in Ward 9, South Marysburgh, Prince Edward County.”

Now Councillor Proctor’s 2013 conscience will not allow her to declare that the County is not a willing host for turbines!  What other obligations are more important than commitments to her constituents?  Why can she no longer be trusted to represent them at Shire Hall?

Why must Councillor Proctor’s constituents wait for the 2014 election?  If only the Municipal Act permitted the recall of councillors, she could be recalled.  If only she were in the federal or provincial government, she could be the subject of a non-confidence motion.

Please do the right thing, Barb, and step down now to avoid your continued misrepresentation of the wishes of South Marysburgh residents on council.

Sacha Warunkiw, Crowes Road, Milford
Renee Wheeler, Crowes Road, Milford

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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  1. Gary Mooney says:

    To set the record straight, in a widely read survey of candidates for Council published in The Times prior to the last municipal election, candidate Barb Proctor chose a middle-ground answer to a question about wind turbines — require a setback of 1500 metres.

    Given that the projects proposed for South Marysburgh and elsewhere in the County can have setbacks down to 550 metres (the legislated minimum), Barb’s vote in opposition to the “NOT a willing host” motion contradicts her pre-election position, which position helped her get elected.

  2. jimbo says:

    Our family of 4 in South Marysburgh supported Barb Proctor because of her anti Industrial Wind Terminal stance.

    I would like to know her detailed reasons for switching sides.

    Realizing the sort of reception she would receive at any open meeting in South Marysburgh, perhaps she can outline her reasoning in an article in the Wellington Times,the South Marysburgh Mirror or County Live.

  3. john thompson says:

    Anthony, I doubt that Barb was elected for an anti wind stance either.

  4. john thompson says:

    County wide election may solve a problem but create more. A complex issue.

  5. Doris Lane says:

    John then this solves the problem of how many councillors–just elect 5 or 6 for the whole county. No need to have a ward system

  6. Anthony Asker says:

    John, Barb was not elected in South Marysburgh for her ” pro ” IWT stance ! The level of deceit here pretty much spoils the clear conscience theory ! I can’t speak for the other 90% but I think our elected official just flipped me the bird !

  7. John Thompson says:

    Although Councillors are elected in their ward, they become County Councillors sworn in to support the best interests of the Municipality as a whole as well as they can determine.

    If this results in political suicide, it is a very small price to pay for a clear consience on any issue.

  8. Karen Empringham says:

    Thank you, Dayton! I appreciate hearing from a long time County resident on this.

    I also know several born and bred, several generation County people who are adamantly opposed to industrial scale wind. Some of those are farmers and they were approached but did not sign up for IWT’s.

    This is not a local vs. import debate.

    Many people on the anti-wind industry side started in either a neutral position or were slightly pro-wind industry until they did a little research. I have never heard of anyone who started out in the anti-wind industry camp and decide to go and join the pro-wind side.

  9. Dayton Johnson says:

    ETM,,, I’m not one of those squeaky wheels but I am one of those “lifelong SM residents”(65yrs.) you speak of. I voted also but I decided a long time ago that company owned IWTs are a waste of money for all the obvious reasons you should know by now.Look for your monthly Hydro rates to increase big time.Someone has to pay. Can we not get our power source from other clean resources that are dependable,doesn’t need a backup source and can generate 24/7/365? I think so!

  10. End the Madness says:

    90% don’t want IWT, 90% of how many? that number is never revealed. Those that didn’t vote, want clean, safe, alternative power. The squeaky wheels were those that voted, not life long South Marysburgh residents, residents that have tried to farm the poor farm land in that end of the county. These squeaky wheels share the view of those that complain the noise level of the glider school in Mountain View is too loud; and move in beside a farm and then complain about the smell.

  11. Jim McPherson says:

    Sacha and Renee may not speak for all of you, but on this issue they sure as hell speak for me.

  12. Doris Lane says:

    Great cartoon in the Wellington Times today. Maybe Barb could get it framed to keep as a keepsake

  13. Marnie says:

    Barb was a big surprise and a real disappointment.

  14. Mark says:

    I don’t know if I would call it guts or political suicide.

  15. Jethro says:

    Thank God Barb Proctor has some guts.The rest of the coucillors who support Robert Quaiff are a bunch off woosies. There are more people in this county other than you people who are against IWT’s.

  16. Gary Mooney says:

    Oh, come on EtM. The South Marysburgh plebiscite was conducted in the same manner as a municipal referendum. Of those who voted, 90% don’t want wind turbines in their ward.

    Re those who didn’t vote, there is only one logical way to decide their wishes: they are content to let others (i.e. those who voted) make the decision for them.

  17. Mike Barnard says:

    The 43rd well constructed study in a row has found that only 10% of people, rural and urban, are against wind energy. The rest are solidly for clean, safe and effective wind power. What politician would sensibly ignore the will of their constituents? Just because the minority are noisy, doesn’t mean that they should be attended to.

    People are less likely to vote for political parties that oppose wind farm developments, according to new independent research published just published.,-survey-finds.html

  18. End the Madness says:

    Sacha and Renee, have you spoken to EVERY South Marysburgh resident and know where they stand on the wind turbine issue? You may be speaking out of turn. Just because you believe you are misrepresented, doesn’t mean you speak for all of us.

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