Turtle Does Matter – sign petition to uphold Ostrander Point decision
Administrator | Sep 01, 2013 | Comments 2
I received an email containing a link to an Avaaz community petition called “Save Ostrander Point In Prince Edward County”. Read more about it and sign it here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Save_Ostrander_Point_In_Prince_Edward_County/?erlqsfb
I am hopeful this petition will allow us all an opportunity to have our voices heard by the government of Ontario in one loud, collective shout. It will only work if we all sign and pass it on to others. Avaaz.org is indeed a worthy organization promoting change for the better and an Avaaz petition is a powerful tool. With thousands of signatures it will most certainly get the Liberal government’s attention. (Here’s how it worked to help stop the Melancthon mega-quarry last year: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/coalition-of-farmers-and-urban-foodies-halts-ontario-mega-quarry/article5546334/?utm_source=Shared+Article+Sent+to+User&utm_medium=E-mail:+Newsletters+/+E-Blasts+/+etc.&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links )
Cheryl Anderson of the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists created this petition in response to the outrageous appeal by the Ministry of the Environment (and the developer) of the ERT decision to protect the Blandings turtle at Ostrander Point from industrial wind development.
The ERT decision must stand. We all know how important this issue is, and together we can do something about it! Please sign right now.
Chris Hall
Filed Under: Letters and Opinion • News from Everywhere Else
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I have signed it also and will sign the P.O.O.C.H. petition. Something has to get the province’s attention. Perhaps a petition with thousands of citizens signed on will.
Signed it. Done !
Watch for a petition from P.O.O.C.H. coming soon on our new website http://saveourruralhospitals.weebly.com/ You can also follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/CountyPOOCH