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Upset about weekly fire bug in Benson Park

This photo I took this morning. Unfortunately I have not taken pictures of the fires that are set every weekend in Benson Park.

There is someone in our beautiful town that needs to be caught before something very serious happens. We are in for a hot dry summer by predictions and Benson Park is a beautiful place where parent can take their kids to play, have picnics. A meeting place for many people to sit and chat or read a book.

I doubt I am the only person very upset about our weekly fire bug. How many recycle bins, garbage cans have to be burned or tipped over with the garbage strewn all over will it take before our police service of many officers take a serious look at this situation? Will it take a tree to start on fire or a grass fire to get the attention that needs to be given to this problem?
Brenda Campbell

Filed Under: Letters and OpinionNews from Everywhere Else

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  1. Ken Globe says:

    If I had stayed on topic, the majority of you wouldn’t have likely posted to this…

  2. Doris Lane says:

    More police pesence might be a good idea–this should not be allowed to happen

  3. Marnie says:

    Why not stay on topic Ken, instead of using serious concern over park vandalism to take a crack at the anti-winds?

  4. David Norman says:

    Great idea Ken… use the senseless destruction of IWTs to thwart the senseless destruction of the fire setting “hooligan(s)”. Fight fire with fire… sounds familiar some how! Why bother trying to understand and perhaps mitigate what motivates this kind of behavior.

  5. Beth says:

    OK Ken, where is the “like” button?????

  6. Ken Globe says:

    Just threaten to put a turbine in the park, our local anti’s will chain themselves to the trees there in protest. Then we could have some witnesses to our loogan firebugs, problem solved…

  7. Beth says:

    May be “ever thus”, but it needs to stop.

  8. virginia says:

    Nothing of this is anything new–“twas ever thus”

  9. Ken Globe says:

    I do hope that the perpetrators are caught and charged. I’m amazed at the sheer amount of hooliganism that is in Picton and the rest of the County. From the Friday night fights and jackassery along Main St. around last call, to the garbage and broken glass in conservation areas like Point Petre, and the dumping of household garbage on the sideroads.

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