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WPD supplier full of wind or hot air?

I happened upon a interview of  Andreas Nauen (AN), CEO of REPower Systems, by Giles Parkinson of the website RenewEconomy (RE). REPower entered the Ontario Industrial Wind Turbine (IWT) market last year with sales to the developers of two projects near Oshawa and is contracted to supply the 29 generators for the WPD project in South Marysburgh. Following is an excerpt from this interview regarding
Nauen’s views on IWTs and related health issues… Nauen’s views are either incredibly ignorant or arrogant, or perhaps both:

“RE: There is a vocal resistance to wind energy in Australia, particularly around health issues. Are you seeing this elsewhere around the world?”

“AN: No. A blunt no. I am always surprised – I have been to Australia a number of times, and every time this comes up (and) I think to
myself hmmm, the only country in the world where this gets discussed. You have in other countries very specific discussions about things
like warning lights for high towers. It’s always a very solution orientated discussion, if it comes up at all, but this fundamental
discussion of wind turbines causing illnesses, I don’t see it anywhere else in the world.”

“RE: Why do you think it happens in Australia?”

“AN: Honestly, I don’t know. In my last job (head of Siemens wind), we had a 1.5MW turbine in the parking lot where we parked the cars. We
didn’t experience any discussion about these turbines and health. I’m very familiar with the Danish situation, where they have a lot of
community wind farms which are very close to where people live. I have not seen any of these discussions.”

“RE: Maybe that has something to do with the community ownership structure?”

“AN: If there was a serious issue with health, people would not trade that off (for ownership). I’m not sure why that gets started in
Australia. I can only repeat again that we don’t have this level of discussion in any other country.”

Someone should inform Nauen that he would be better off not to broach these topics and leave them to the politically enabled wind industry
shills like those at Auswind, Austrailia’s version of CanWEA. You can read the entire interview at;

David Norman, ProRogue Primate of Bloomfield

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion

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  1. Bonnie Ferris says:

    I find that this is a mechanism to shut out any valid criticism; “you are the only one complaining!” It is a defensive response in order to avoid responsible action. I have heard this reply from the government and from wind developers. anyone who says “stupid Aussie” is: well, you know….

  2. David Norman says:

    I noticed on CountyLive’s feedjit live traffic feed that this post has attracted two direct visits from Bremen, Germany. This is quite near REPower Headquarters. Perhaps Nauen is in for a bit of a scolding for his careless words from his Suzlon masters.

  3. David Norman says:

    Actually Robin, he is German.

  4. Robin says:

    Stupid Aussie..listen to the Germans, they are light years ahead of you in terms of evolution!

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