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Wind turbine bylaw misleading

Regarding the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie’s request for support of its By-law No. 14-10 regarding wind turbines.
I certainly appreciate the concerns of those who are bringing this motion forward, particularly the residents of Arran-Elderslie. I believe, however, that municipal by-laws that are written with little or no consideration for viability are a disservice to constituents and a waste of tax payer’s dollars.
The passing of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie’s by-law number 14-10, as written, is misleading its ratepayers into believing that it will be a solution to its wind turbine concerns.  It will not be.  The motion has no chance of being upheld by the provincial government because no government, no government ministry or agency, no business, no manufacturer and no individual can provide – with certainty and honesty – the sweeping blanket guarantees contained and demanded within it.
I think it important to make my position as clear as possible. I could very easily vote to support this motion knowing full well that it will have no effect on the Ontario government’s policies but I cannot in good conscience do so.
Sandy Latchford

Filed Under: Letters and Opinion


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  1. Carmine says:

    It would seem that the reality of the situation in the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie has gotten the better of Sandy Latchford.
    Sandy you seem to know what you are talking about and the limitations of a municipal government. This is a sign of a good leader and one in which I’m willing to wager my vote.
    Your policies are based on a sound approach and well thought out plan. There is no point in making promises you cannot keep. You have a good grasp on issues and have taken a well thought out position which you have illustrated on your web site. This is far more then experienced from the other candidates.
    I would encourage all voters to take notice when considering their candidate choices.

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